Balustrade, railing question.

I built a 2 story addition on our house and have a door to the outside on the second story. We had intended on putting a deck off of this but have changed our minds (for now). I want to leave the door.

So, I want to bolt a balustrade on the outside to keep it safe/pass code. Wrought Iron, or painted steel. Put a little flower box on it. I suspect that I will have to design it and have it custom built by a welding shop or security storm door place.

But I would rather just buy one.

In a world where you can buy pretty much anything, I have not been able to find such an item through Google searches. Perhaps I’m looking for the wrong thing, and ‘balustrade’ is not it. Any ideas on key words? Does such an item have a name?


sounds like a small balcony, or railing. balustrade is the word i use for the individual bar parts of the railing.

the big “do it yourself” places should have them just have the measuments you need and tell them what sort of material you what to attach it to. that way you will get the correct fastners.

you should be able to get a flower box to attach to the top easily. i see the set up all over the city. many people have them so they can open the door for ventilation.

Or you could look at any one of a number of decking material vendors, such as

Juliet balcony.

I googled “French door railings” and got lots of hits of the thing I think you want. Of course, the ones that showed up were for two doors, but presumably you don’t care if the railing is larger than it needs to be, right?

Here’s one of them: French railing (scroll down about halfway).

Sounds like the balustrade it the vertical posts between the rail and the deck. There will be no deck involved.

I’ll search for that…Lots of Shakespear references. But that’s basically what it is. No deck though.

Heh. That’s what I’m looking for. Just for a 36" wide door. I’ll dig deeper on that and see if anyone has something for single doors.
