Bamadope IV!

Hello Bamadopers, GADopers, MSDopers, TNDopers, FLDopers, and everyone else:

Due to the requests of the multitude (okay, ** Simetra ** and ** Osip **, but they count as a multitude due to all the little voices in their heads), I have decided to start the debacle of deciding when the next Bamadope will be. And where it will be. Preferably somewhere fairly close, as I will be living at home this summer, but we’re not necessarily restricted to the great city of Tuscaloosa. Birmingham wouldn’t be a bad choice.

Anyhow, I want input on when we can do this thing and where. Early summer is bad, as I will be recovering from jaw surgery and will resemble a chipmunk in an abusive relationship. I’m thinking anytime from late June onward, though, except for one week in July (6-13) because I’ll be out of town then.

Anyhow, let’s get this party started.

Yay. I’m all about it.

I don’t know if we can do it in Montgomery, but that’d be cool. Bham would be good too. I just don’t know much about the area.

Anyway, keep me posted.


Yes! Maybe this time I won’t get hit by the creepin’ crud (or plague, or pestilience, or whatever it was that knocked the wind out of me last Bamadope) and can actually be there!

I’m voting for Birmingham. There are many more places to choose from. Especially if we pick Southside or somewhere like that. I think some of you younger Dopers would really like to “do Southside”.

Sounds like fun to me, Noc! Just let me know when…we can then pick where…and the festivities can begin! :slight_smile:

I like Birmingham’s Southside, so that has my vote as well. Where is the rest of the crowd?

My first Dopefest! I’d love to be there. I’m in W. GA, 2 hours from Birmingham (grew up there), but I’m also about 3 hours from Montgomery, so I’m flexible on location. Just tell me where and when and what to bring. :slight_smile:

Here’s a list of possible dates (all Saturdays):
June 29th
July 20th (didn’t man first walk on the moon this day?)
July 27th
August 10th

I recommend the July dates, but I realize that might not work for everyone. So you guys need to chime in.

My first possible Dopefest too! I’m in Sheffield, AL so B’ham, Tuscaloosa, or Montgomery would work for me. The July dates sound good, gives me time to work things out with work. Please keep me posted.

I’m generally not organized enough to plan anything this far ahead of time, so all of the mentioned dates are thusfar good for me. :wink:

Same here. I’m all about ASAP. :slight_smile:

But those dates are all good too.

What, exactly, happens at a “Dopefest?”

We all get drunk… tell jokes… and make fun of the posters that aren’t there.

Then we talk about posters we hate.

Then we say to hell with “Board Talk” and move on to getting more drunk.

Then… the oral sex.

That about right Silky? :wink:

Each Bamadope so far we’ve outdone the one before. We gonna go 4 for 4?

Ooooh oooh ooooh! If you do it August 10th, I might be able to tack some extra time onto my vacation (I’ll be in Talledega and then Memphis for Dead Elvis Week) to come down and meet youse guyses!

Please, keep me posted. That is, if you all don’t mind a damnyankee joining you. :slight_smile:

** Reinhold **, sweetie, I’M the one planning this far ahead for you. Consider me the epitome of your social life. :smiley:

** Simetra **, I hope this one’s bigger. I’m just waiting on more people to show up in this thread…

** pbrtallboy **, to answer the question seriously, we usually go out to dinner, where most people start getting drunk, then we retire someplace else, where people keep getting drunk. And we talk Board-talk. And then we talk Sex-Talk. And I’m not really sure if we talk about anything else, except math when the restaurant workers can’t add a bill.

I’m going to over in the corner, pouting because I probably won’t get to go. :wink: (I might have to pout for real if attendants of this BamaDope get to see bobkitty’s new house.)

Maybe Simetra will bring Floppy Bear (the best damn teddy bear there ever was) along as my proxy. I might be a little biased, but I think he’s cuter than even FairyChatMoose. :slight_smile:

If we do it in Montgomery, we can all go to see the Alabama Shakespeare Festival.

:eek: Uh…well…er…um…sounds about right to me! :o

[sub]Man…sometimes you just can’t live anything down…[/sub]
Noc, July 20 sounds groovy spoons to me. That’s right before my birthday. If we do end up in Birmingham’s Southside, there are only about 20 gajillion restaurants to choose from and a couple more million watering holes for afterwards. They range from pricey to cheaperino.

We can decide on a place to meet n’ eat, then take it from there. Just about everything there is walking distance from one place to the next.

If nobody else can do the 20th, I’m actually game for any of the above dates. Let’s just make sure it’s a day I’m not going to be sick, ok? :wink:

Absolutely. 'Cause Silky has to be there this time.

So tell me, are there any 19 to enter 21 to drink clubs in Southside? I ask only because I know we have a few underage dopers.

Thanks for the answers, ya’ll. Oral sex, eh? Yowzah! I’m gonna mark my calendar.

Seriously, anyone from Etlanner up for the trip?

Silky, if you don’t show up to this Bamadope–I’ll cry.

Fiver–the Shakespeare Festival is a draw, I’ve been there and enjoyed it, but Birmingham is better in case people from out of state (pleasepleaseplease) want to fly in.

So we have votes for July 20…?

Another vote for 20 July here. I’m already taking a week’s vacation the end of May (Dauphin Island - ahhhhhhh) so that’ll space out my time off (I work weekends). And Southside sounds great. That close to UAB, surely there are some ‘underage clubs’.

pbr, I’m in Newnan, maybe we could carpool. I’ll even volunteer to be the DD, since I don’t drink. Only drawback is that I’ll probably have to come back the same night.