Band name

Perfect! (unfortunately, I think her legal team would have issues with it)

:smiley: You are very welcome, glad I could help.

But i did forget to add that going into said brainstorming session with a few ideas is not a bad thing. Make a list. Make a BIG list. Write down every name that sounds any good at all.
Because even if the perfect name isn’t on the list…one of those names might inspire someone to blurt out the perfect name.:cool:

Alright I will have to try that. For right now its just me and the handful of songs I have. Next year I plan on finding people to play in the band.

That’s already taken. Some friends of mine are in a band named that. It’s not a metal band. :slight_smile:
“Tequila is the Devil”

“Got My Wife Beater On”

One name I was considering using if I started a band, was Altered Perception.
Since it’s highly unlikely that I’ll have a band anytime soon, you’re free to use it if you’d like.

Edit: Apparently, it’s the name of a movie that’s coming out next year, so nix that idea…

… sorry.

Dude thats awesome! I actually thank that is what I will use. You are highly appreciated by me now. Thank you

Oh really? That stinks…

I don’t know why but the name Obamacare popped into my head on reading this topic. I don’t have any reason why it would be a good band name, it just amuses me to think of a heavy metal/deathcore band with that name. Probably not a good name, but whatever.

Dude, you’ve got the answer and you don’t even know it. Next to Nothing would be a perfect name! It makes me imagine a Black Sabbath type of band, the kind that used to get dragged into court in the 1970s for making teenagers suicidally depressed.

Hindenburg Valet :smiley:

Tunguska Homeowners Association.

Partial Girth Contortions

And wouldn’t you just know it…

You. Are. A. Genius. Thank you for pointing that out. ‘‘Next to nothing’’ will be on my list


Awesome! :cool: Now, your first album cover should show the band standing on the edge of a volcano. (“Next to Nothing” indeed!)

Thor’s Hammer, Van Hoven, Blunderbuss, Obsidian, Meturlagy, Beowulf’s Vengeance, Nihilla, Gotic Inferno, Dammerung, Hyperion Thule, Agnosis, Cummerbund Krank, Verdana’s Plight, Corporeal Klagg, Locksteppe, Til the Hun

Grave Mistake.
Gräve Mistake.
Grave Mistäke.
Gräve Mistäke.

More power to ya!! Some of the best times of my life were spent on some sweaty little stage.:cool::slight_smile:

It’s worth the work it takes to find the right people, and get to the point you can play live. (or hit the studio if thats you thing.:D)

As this deals with The Creative Arts, I’m moving it to Cafe. From IMHO.