Banging crockery and cutlery at the table

I remember a few years ago I was sitting in a large cafeteria with a lot of tourists, mostly young Americans, and somebody started banging their cup and plate around on their table and next thing everyone was doing it, in unison, and after a few moments as abruptly as it all started it stopped and everyone carried on as if nothing had happened.
Is there a name for this? Is it a college thing? Where did it arise?


I’ve never heard of that. Is there any chance they were all a group, like from one college, or a volleyball team or some team? My best guess would be that it was some kind of tradition among memebers of some group. It’s not a standard geneneralized thing.

I remember that it used to happen occasionally in the prison^h^h^h^h^h^h public school cafeteria when I was a child, probably inspired by one of those old Hollywood prison movies.

This is usually accompanied by demands for something - Speech! or Chug! or something.

Attica!!! Attica!!!

Perhaps a pair in that group were recently married, and it was being done in order to compel the happy couple to kiss?