My friends and I are stumped. Been doing google text and image searches in every way I can think of. Someone please answer this ASAP: from what TV show is this comedy sketch?
Feels like its from the 70s or even late 60s. I've ruled out Monty Python (I could be wrong about MP of course.)The disguise and the false moustache don’t make it easy, but that looks like Peter Cook and Dudley Moore.
The woman in the center of the sketch is quite clearly a person who was born a woman and remained a woman. That’s definitely NOT a man playing a woman, which I know was rather common for british comedy sketches 40+ years ago.
When I type “dudley moore bank robber sketch” in YouTube it finds this clip… for whatever that’s worth.
Pete and Dud for sure.
Try this one… Peter Cook & Dudley Moore (In the pub) - YouTube
Answer is The Two Ronnies, which makes perfect sense now that I know to do a search for The Two Ronnies bank robbery sketch.
Answer is The Two Ronnies. You posted a video that wasnt even in color and had nothing to do with a bank robbery. Yikes.
I think the link in the OP is actually to Dave Allen at Large.
Only time I’ve ever seen Peter Cook break character.
Since this is about a TV show, let’s move it to Cafe Society.
General Questions Moderator
Seems very likely. The little guy with the moustache is Ronnie Brody, and the woman is Jacqueline Clarke. Both were regulars on the Dave Allen show, but then they did seem to be in an awful lot of comedy shows throughout the seventies.
How is it the Two Ronnies? None of the people in the clip looks anything like Ronnies Corbett or Barker.
Plus, of course, they never did one-gag blackout sketches like that — it’s just not their style. I don’t think Pete and Dud did them, either.
It could plausibly be from a Benny Hill show, or Russ Abbott (though it looks too old), or any of several other shows from the period that featured quick-fire sketch comedy.
But the two featured actors were regulars on Dave Allen at Large, and that show had a lot of short sketches in between the monologues.
This one (from Carol Burnett) is better.
…the video comments (recently updated) point to Dave Allen, which looks likely to me.
Benny Hill’s go-to actress for crabby women roles was Bella Emberg.
I’m guessing the OP plugged “Two Ronnies” “bank robbery” into Google and saw that the very first return is the clip in question. Which means almost nothing.
Russ Abbott’s, too. I wasn’t really meaning to suggest them as sources of the sketch, more as people who did that kind of sketch.
You are probably referring to the Bank Robbery sketch at Dave Allen at Large.