Barack Obama is the _____ President, ever.

Funny eariest.

Actually, maybe hippest. I don’t think we’ll fully appreciate him till he’s gone, with his coolness under pressure and being the opposite of bombastic. It would have been so easy for him to pull a Trump and fire back at some of the unfair criticism he got, but he has never been one to take the low road at any time.

It seems that the responses to this poll say more about the poster than the President. Objectively, there is simply not credible argument that Obama is the “most scandal ridden” or otherwise corrupt, even if we limit the field to just post-WWII IS Presidents. He has never been indicted or subject to serious calls for impeachment for any crime or misuse of presidential authority, nor compelled to testify before Congress regarding the same by his administration, so he’s at least three up on that basis alone. Claiming him to be “narcissistic” and “egotistical” can only be justified by setting the bar much, much lower than any previous office holders have been held to; certainly Clinton takes the cake for narcissism and GWB for egotism, and Johnson may have topped them both. I’m morally certain that Obama has never fallen asleep during Cabinet meetings and national security briefs like a certain revered president. He’s been a massive disappointment compared to what he pledged to accomplish (although the reflexive cock-blocking of the Republican Party contributed I more than its fair share to the inaction of the administration) but singling him out as some flavor of “Worst President Evah” award is hyperbole at its apogee.


Okay, but did you SEE that mic drop? Objectively the funniest.

Maybe most romantically in love with his wife. Not necessarily that he loves her more, there have been other Presidents where I could sense a deep love there (e.g. the Carters), but it seems like President and Mrs. Obama still have that zingy spark of attraction between them.

I can (in theory) understand not loving the guy if your politics differ from his. I will never understand the demonetization of such a fine person.

I’m sorry… We’re comparing him in a category that already includes Richard Nixon, and you believe any of these things are accurate?

I have deep reservations about Obama based on specific policies and decisions that I disagree with, but there is ample room for criticism without resorting to straight-up fabrication.

First Orwell slanders him, then steals his wallet??
My vote goes for most accessible. I knew when I saw him on Zach Galifianakis’ Between Two Ferns we were going to be in for a fun Presidential term.

I do find it amusing a right-winger would choose the username of Orwell when he was in reality a left-wing democratic socialist who supported Aneurin Bevan.

Or more succinctly, the “most penultimate” President?

I am torn between “funny” and “talented”. I realize he uses a lot of writers to make him look smart and/or funny but by God can he deliver a line and make it his own. If he goes into acting he could nail any award out there. That “Obama out” move from the recent press thing has got to become a classic.

Possibly the most divisive. I have always found Obama to be thoughtful, intelligent and communicate well but his views do tend to draw strong lines bewtween the two sides where I feel he could have done a better job of bringing us closer together. I am presently so fed up with the republicans I am thinking of changing sides.

Not to start a fight or anything, but which views are those? He’s pretty moderate and unoffensive overall.

Yes, the fact that he gives the racists who were always out there but keeping their pieholes shut a visual reason to think their opinions are now welcome does not make him divisive.

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(We’re ALL going to miss you, Barry. Slow Down, calendar, Slow Down!!!)

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