Barnes and Noble is prejudiced against Geeks!

I have a lot of free time coming up and so I used my gift card to order up some science fiction/fantasy type stuff I’ve been meaning to read (Foundation and Earth, Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, and Watchmen if your curious). So today I get my package and open it up. On top is the usual adds for books and such, but then I see it and I stop, stunned by sheer horror. Included in my order of science fiction is…is…an advertisement for anti-acne cream!

Come on this is the 21st century (thats still fun to say btw) can’t we move beyond this?! Just because I’m a geek does not mean that I have acne, poor social skills, and live in my parents basement! My parents don’t have a basement.

I call upon my fellow geeks to go to the nearest Barnes and Nobel and protest this heinous attitude! Hows this Friday night work for everyone? I’m free.

How can you be free? It’s Battlestar Galactica tonight!!:smack:

You’re kidding, right? Somebody put an advertisement in your book order! Oh noes!

Are you nuts? Friday is designated as a non-geek night around here, so my geek husband and I can watch anime or play Khet.

Well we’d be done before then of course. Sheesh! :wink:

Either I’m being whooshed or you are. Twas a joke. I just thought it funny that I got an ad for acne cream in my science fiction order as it fits the whole “geeks have acne” stereotype.

I thought you were seriously indignant, so I was whooshed. And I’m a geek with acne and poor social skills.

No big. So you going to come protest? If so bring a costume.

Go to Borders, then. I got to chatting with a clerk there once, and she said a friend of hers had a unit of measurement named for him on usenet (or some online forum); 5,000 books, as a measurement of the size of one’s science-fiction library.

I read the title as “Barnes and Noble is prejudiced against Greeks!”

It made wonder if their theatre shelf was a little light on the Aristophanes.


Don’t be ridiculous.

Umm - so we are doing this from 5-6? Because first I have to rewatch the previous week’s episode, then I have to re-read the SDMB thread for last week’s episode, then I have to read the start of the thread for tonight’s episode, then I have to watch “The Dollhouse” and wonder if Joss Whedon is brill or bust, and then I have to squeal like a pre-teen girl and say “It’s on! It’s on! It’s on!!”

In my experience, teenage girls can squeal just as well as pre-teen.

I opened this thread thinking it would be able how their physical stores have ten times as much space devoted to pseudo-science as to real science.

What you have to rewatch an episode? You don’t memorize every glorious detail the first time around?
Also I, for reasons that have everything to do with cost and space and nothing with pretentiousness, have neither a TV nor cable and so I have to watch my shows online at a later date.
I also tend to stay away from fan commentary on shows (not just on the Dope but everywhere). To often I go in thinking “Wow that was awesome!” and run into a solid wall of “That sucked!” from people who seem to keep watching a show they hate.

Also I agree with the Captain that teen girls can do just as good a job squealing as pre-teens.

Well, it takes some serious geekery to win one of those prizes…

Yikes! You probably want to keep that to yourself, man.

heh … was she talking metric or imperial Bryant=)

I know the same guy=)

[and I have just over an old english bryant of books =)]

  1. What is a “Bryant of books”?

The Bryant is a unit of books, originally used by Pouncer (Jeff Melcher) in April 1998 and named for listee James M. Bryant. The original size of the Bryant was 5000 books, which was something less than the size of James Bryant’s library at the time. Shortly thereafter, the Bryant was re-defined as 1000 books.

In May of 1999, the OT Thug (Jeff Parker) proposed an expanded set of measures for books, based on the (fictional) castle library of the late Sir James Bryant, which were adopted with some modifications by other listees. Those units are:

1 Bryant (B) = 4577 books
1 Habryant = 2289 books
1 Sitter (or Rhoom) = 1104 books
1 Dinky = 161 books
1 Wallshel = 23 books
1 Bedside = 17 books

The 4577-book Bryant is now generally referred to as the Old English Bryant, and the 1000-book Bryant as the metric Bryant.