bartenders... any theory behind customers leaving some of their draft beer behind when they go?

I’ve never been a bartender, but I’ve been known to frequent a few of the local watering-holes around here from time to time.

Invariably, I’ll notice people who pay their tab, leave a good inch or two in their draft-beer, push it forward, and get up and leave.

Happened twice tonight right next to me, in the span of an hour and a half (two different people who sat down in that stool while I was watching the NBA game).

Neither one of them appeared to be in a situation where “oh shit, my taxi just showed up, so I gots ta go”. And neither one of them seemed to be in a state of total drunkenness, where those last few sips would have sent them over the edge.

I’ve seen this happen on several occasions in the past, as well. My theory is “screw that - I paid for this beer, I’m gonna drink every last drop of it before I go”. Is there some weird theory (or even some unspoken “superstition”) that I’m unaware of?

For any bartenders around here - do you see it happen as often as I seem to (or maybe I am just projecting a few data-points, into a not-so-widespread thing)?

I bartend, and have for around 7 years. In my experience, people don’t finish their beer for one of several reasons:

  1. They didn’t like it very much
  2. They were just done with it or
  3. They realize they’re getting more tipsy than they want to be

I know that seems overly simplistic, but there are certain things in life which just aren’t complicated. Occam’s Razor and all that…

Also, I think it helps to keep in mind that some people just aren’t big drinkers. For instance, you say there was a big game on, which is prime “I’m only drinking because that’s what’s expected” time. These are exactly the type of people that leave half full beers on the bar.

Warm beer is icky. If mine gets warm, I leave the rest.

Thanks you guys - I’m gonna stop short of “reporting my own thread to have it closed”, but I think these make as much sense as anything I can think of:

I think it’s a terrible waste of alcohol, especially when millions of people have to go to bed sober every night.

Has it occurred to you that maybe they just didn’t want any more beer? I know, it’s crazy, but we live in a world where people like Celine Dion.

It’s alcohol abuse, as they say.

Um, there are times when I don’t eat every scrap on my plate, and there are times when I don’t drink every last drop of my drink. I’m full, I’m ‘drunk enough,’ I’m tired and just want to go home and don’t need that last two inches of alcohol . . . I admit I’ve never been quite sure what it is about alcohol that makes people ask the question in the OP. No one is obligated to completely consume everything he or she is entitled to, and the fact that it contains alcohol doesn’t give a beverage a magical status.

I see people leave half-finished glasses of water. What’s that about?

Are you sure they’re not leaving it for Elijah?

[bolding mine] Your last comment is irrelevant. Been a long time since I saw someone pay $5 for a glass of water, and then “leave it half-finished”.

In any event, this question has been “asked and answered”, specifically by EatTheSun and Gleena. As many times as I’ve seen this happen, I thought there was “something behind it”. Apparently there isn’t - so no big deal.

It could be that they were hanging out with friends and had no more reason to nurse the beer once friends left. For me, nursing my beer is more about having something to do while a hang out with friends than about the beer itself.

I don’t think prophets are big on backwash.

I don’t patronize bars, but at a restaurant, if I’m drinking beer with my meal, I’m probably almost through with my first beer by the time the entrees arrive. But I still have some of the second beer left by the time dessert arrives, and beer and dessert really don’t go together very well. So at that point, I’m done with my beer, even though there’s still beer left in the glass.

And often, even if I don’t want dessert, I really only want a couple of sips of beer after I’m done with my meal. I may still have beer, but I’m done with it anyway.

That was my mother’s rationale for asking for ice in her glass of beer or white wine. Drove my dad crazy. :wink:

I often leave some beer because I just don’t like it. Why did I order it in the first place? Well, that’s what I want to know!

I frequently go to happy hour on Friday night with some of my friends from work. Sometimes after we drink our usual amount we decide to stick around for one more round. Often I won’t drink that whole beer. I love beer, but when enough is enough there’s no reason to keep forcing it down.

Husband does this all the time.

It’s warm and we’re leaving. Simple as that.

Too much beer? Ridiculous.

I must drink too fast. Never had one get warm.

I don’t drink beer often because I don’t like how it makes me feel so full, that’s usually the reason I leave a bit of beer on the occasions I do drink it - I just don’t have any room for it.