Basis for the "Blues Brothers"?

I bet they have SCMODS.
State County Municipal Offender Data Systems.

It’s not even funny how many times I’ve seen this movie. I know it all by heart because 1) it’s a great fucking movie and 2) it was one of the four tapes that I had to watch when I was home by myself on half days on Friday from grade school.
The others were Bloodsport, Wayne’s World, and The Great Chase. Consequently, I know every one of those movies backwards and forwards.

When needed, my knowledge is dangerous. And deadly. Yeah, deadly.

“It’s that shitbox Dodge again”

I fixed your fix.

I finally post something that provokes a lot of responses, and it has to be right before I go offline for the day

Spoons, I agree that it was a necessary “plot hole” for exactly the reasons you state. I should point out that I was raised Catholic, and I think The Penguin was one of my teachers.

And believe it or not, I once looked up the isue of religious property and taxes, and at one time there was a problem with church-owned properties being sold for unpaid property taxes because they weren’t filing the proper exemption forms in a timely manner.

I remember a reviewer commenting that one of the great things about the Blues Brothers DVD was that it was now possible to watch just the musical numbers without having to waste time fast-forwarding through the rest of the movie.

Does anyone know if either of the “special edition” DVDs include the Blues Brothers rendition of “Sink the Bismarck”? I heard it on the Dr Demento Show years ago…

Gah. Forgot to italicise the fix.
Bad Trevor.

My fave (and, in fact, the whole, complete, prime motivator for the rest of my entire life):

Elwood: It’s 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it’s dark, and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Jake: Hit it.

Who knew Carrie Fisher + M-15 = smokin’ hot?

“They broke my watch.”