Bastille Day in Paris

I’ll be in Paris from July 13-20, which of course includes Bastille Day. I need to plan that day, so I don’t miss any photo ops (I’m a photographer).

I know they have a big parade down (up?) the *Champs-Elysées. *What time does it start, where’s the best vantage point, and how early do I have to get there for a good spot? And I assume they start at the *Arc de Triomphe, *but where does it end up?

Also, I’m sure there’ll be fireworks. Where and when, and where’s a good spot to get pictures of the fireworks with a distinctively Parisian scene in the foreground. (Sure, I can do this in Photoshop, but I’m trying for something authentic for this).

And will the *Tour Eiffel *be lit up in red, white and blue? Will it still have the extra lights every hour, as they’ve been having recently?

Any other suggestions would be welcome. Merci.