Bathroom Readers

Hi everyone! After some months of lurking, I finall decided to join. I suppose I might as well make my first post one related to what lead me here in the first place. I really enjoy reading the books the Bathroom Readers Institute puts out, and not just for bathroom reading, but just for fun random trivial stuff that I have no need for, but still find interesting to know. Anyway, listed as one of the sources was, and I was reading the articles but I decided to check out the message board too. I’ve been reading what people are posting and you guys are really funny and interesting to read! Anyway, so I’m not going on and on about myself and how I found myself here, I’m wondering if anyone else likes these books too? Are there any other kinds of books like these filled with fun interesting facts that I have yet to discover? Better yet, are there websites devoted to fun trivial stuff that I have no need to know, but is still interesting to read about?

Fark has a board. All three are constantly updating lists of “interesting” news stories, with the emphasis on the weird (Fark), or technical (especially Digg), or just “wonderful things” (boingboing). has an enormous board, although I don’t know much about it. It seems like a wilder place than here.