Battlefield 4 is coming out next week on the 29th. It’s another modern warfare game like BF3 (which is too bad - I’d love to see a revisit to 1942 or 2142) with China as a new faction. I’d hate to see them take the COD path and just keep cranking out endless rehashes of the same game, but it looks like an improved BF3.
Which is okay, since we had a blast with it. We had a very active SDMB player base on PC for the first few months after launch.
Destruction is more detailed. “Levolution” allows big changes to the gameplay of maps based around the destruction that happens. A skyscraper with a capture point can topple and fill the streets with ash and dust. A dam can be broken flooding city streets. Lights can be shot out, fire extinguishers shot to fill a room with mist. Weather events.
Commander mode is back. I’m hoping they did a good job with it. The commander role is a great idea, but it was horribly designed in BF2, they basically just became a glorified spotter/spammer that flooded the com channels and annoyed the shit out of everyone. BF3 is a lot better about keeping the comms and chatter local and relevant, so I suspect it’ll be quite improved. You get a top-down view where you can see the battle unfold, issue orders to your squads, and call in support like air dropped supplies, UAVs, or missile strikes. You can evidently even play the role from a tablet, although then I’m guessing you can’t do the freeroaming camera or anything. I doubt it’ll be as interesting/integral as being the commander in Natural Selection 2, but hopefully they’ll do a good job implementing it and making it matter.
Improvements in sound design (already amazing) and graphics technology. The current gen console versions of this game will be even more stripped down than their version of BF3. It looks pretty incredible. I hope it runs as smoothly as BF3 does.
Apparently they’re revamping assault/medic to be less spammy, with a limited number of revives and cooldowns for the paddles. Which is good - the crazy revive spam of infantry-heavy fights in BF3 could get silly. They reworked the squad-wide perks system - instead of one guy choosing speed, one guy choosing extra ammo - you level up as a squad as you accomplish objectives and then you get to pick extra perks that apply to you. And if your squad gets wiped, you go down a level and lose a bonus. Sounds cool.
The interface and map are apparently significantly improved. Squads have 5 members now rather than 4, which I like overall. Squads can spawn on any squadmate and not just the leader, which I’m not sure I like. Makes the dynamic spawning too powerful and also lessens the importance of the squad leader. Apparently server-adjustable. Suppression effect reduced substantially. More detailed kit options both for infantry and vehicles, both attachments and cosmetics. Vehicles apparently take locational damage which affects their performance.
Some new game modes. Obliteration: a team is tasked with destroying various high value targets around the map using a randomly spawned bomb, the other team defends. Defuse, basically counterstrike in BF3. Domination: infantry-only, can’t spawn at objectives, smaller. The other modes from BF3 are still there, and all modes playable on all 10 maps.
Probably lots of other small changes. I hoped they address the core flaws in BF3 - vehicle combat features too many lock-on weapons. I can’t believe that game designers actually think that lock-on weapons are good for anything. They don’t belong in any game ever, except for simulators. I think I read somewhere that while the SOFLAM now requires the recon to hold it and lock on (instead of deploy), it allows everything including RPGs to be able to lock onto the target. Awful, awful idea. And in infantry combat the time to kill is much too low. Combining COD-style instant death no recoil guns time to kill with massive battles with lots of cover and lots of places to hide and approach from is awful - you end up dying quickly and constantly to things you never see.
Still, overall BF3 was great, we had a ton of fun with it, and I’m hoping to get everyone back together for BF4. If you want to play with us, you’ll need mumble and it’s best to add me (SenorBeef) on both Steam and Origin. I do most of my organizing through steam even though the game is Origin only. I’ll post details about joining the platoon later.
If you preorder, you get the first expansion free.
Multiplayer demonstration from E3