Battlestar Galactica 1.7 — "Six Degrees of Separation" (spoilers ho)

Personally, I’d reverse the order. The only thing better than HOT SIX SEX!! is HOT BOOMER SEX!!

Not that I would kick either out of bed for eating crackers…

Unstable and eccentric is not the same thing as a traitor. Besides, at the end of the episode Six pretty much said the same thing I did. I’m guessing that’s how they’re playing it.

It seems, judging from the scenes for this week, they still have uses for Leoben Conoy.

Which is why the Thread title indicates here there be spoilers.

RE: Ms. Godfrey’s disappearance. I’m wondering if there is a chameleon model.

RE: RE: Ms. Godfrey’s disappearance.

Individual Cylons are disposable, they can just “beam” themselves into another body when they die. (Or at least, that’s what they believe–Carousel, anyone?) I think she served her purpose and then hopped out of an air lock.

Nah. Another cylon infiltrator just smuggled her off.


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What are you? The Spoiler Police? WGAF?

Excellent point.

Nah, the 2 Marines tailing her said she turned a corner and just disappeared. No airlock.

I almost dread seeing the use they’ll eventually find for the Cylon fighter. Visions of Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum flying it into the basestar with the computer virus just keep dancing in my head.

About damn time the Helo/BoomerBot plotline advanced a little, wouldn’tcha say? Gotta give us *something * to latch onto so we can speculate about the Cylons’ plans.

The other thing the Cylons achieved with this caper was to eliminate any possibility that Baltar will ever come clean with Adama & the President. Now that he’s seen how he will be treated if they find out he did have something to do with the Cylon attack (even though it was without his knowledge) and the fact that the President believes he is capable of such a thing (remember when she visited him in the brig), Number 6 owns him.

I give a fuck.

With BSG, we’re dealing with three types of spoilers:

  1. Spoilers from episodes already seen in the UK, where they’re several weeks ahead of the US.
  2. Spoilers from the episode recently aired in the US.
  3. Spoilers from websites and other media.

#2 is dealt with in the subject line, where it says “(spoilers ho)”. Because of that, any unlabelled spoilers within the thread need to be treated as either #1 or #3. Would it really kill you to type: “This spoiler box contains information from last night’s episode”?

Or, considering that there had been 40+ posts in this thread already detailing this episode, you could forgo the confusion and not use a spoiler box? One of these days we’re all going to be lulled into complacency with absolutely unnecessary spoiler boxes, and someone is going to post end-of-season spoiler info from the UK, and ruin it. And it’s going to be because of unneccessary spoiler boxes like yours that do it.

Just sayin’.

I think that the whole point was to get Baltar to repent. Six left him because he dissed God. Almost immediately, another Six sets him up on a date with a blindfold. When he finally gets on his knees and gets religion, bam! he’s vindicated and Six returns to his well-appointed three-bed, two-bath cerebellum.

I’d be pretty worried about his Sanity at this point.

  1. Talks to people who aren’t there.
  2. Acts like he doesn’t see somebody who is.
  3. Was caught trying to smash a computer containing evidence with a chair.

I’d be really worried about having this guy build anything for me.

Yeah, I know they’re low on resident genuises, but I’d still be keeping an eye on him.

After President Roslin’s ice-cold commentary (“the moment I heard, I knew it was true”), I’d be surprised if he gets the free pass Number Six seems to think he’s going to get.

The resident genius who couldn’t even turn the computer off. He couldn’t manage to erase the file, remove the disk, destroy the computer or even turn off the computer.

Anyone else bothered by the press? Humanity is on the brink of extinction and running low on everything yet the press are there like it’s old times, down to the paper and pencils to take notes. Yikes.

I hope this doesn’t become a Mr. Smith thing.
I know our British friends have assured us that the quality is maintained throughout the season, and I’ve already made a fox pause on the board today, but they’re, well, foreigners.

Buzzards thrive on carrion. 45000 people left; every single one of them should be working - real work. Not lawyers or journalists or telephone salespeople. This isn’t Starship Titanic. Everyone needs to become an apprentice and learn how to build things relevant to their survival. Anything else is idiocy.

Well, it’s obvious that the raider has Stockholm Syndrome.