Battlestar Galactica 3.5 - "Collaborators" (spoilers)

Tigh appears to have been reinstated as XO, but it looks like Adama may end up regreting it. Is RDM just going ignore the fact that Lee outranks Tigh?

Tigh resigned his commission when he left the Galactica and moved to New Caprica with Ellen.

It looks like Helo was the active-duty XO (where was Capt. Kelly again?).
Dualla was the XO of Pegasus. They both equal Tigh in position, if not in rank.

Lee definitely out-ranks Tigh.

Sure, Adama reinstated him to the rank & position of XO. He can do whatever he wants. It’s almost like Star Trek though. Everyone stays the same rank for seven years, then they all get promoted then they have a reunion/crisis and everyone goes back to their old positions.

One thing I also liked was that almost everyone was scarred, bruised, or otherwise damaged in this show. Someone mentioned Tighe stumbling in the CIC like he was drunk. I saw it as the limp that he got during his streatment in the detention center and from which he’s still recovering.

Thanks for the population figures. I’d thought that they had gotten to NC with 51k or so.

Also, Lee may outrank Tighe, but that doesn’t automatically place him ahead of Tighe in the choice of XO. That’s purely Admiral Adamas decision. As are any other rank/position choices. Lee is in a weird limbo of millitary status, a captain without a ship on another mans ship.

Oh, wah.

What you write is massive assumptions based on compressed timeframes because writers aren’t specifically demonstrating which particular bugaboo you happen to want to try to find fault about at any given moment. Then you complain when your assumptions crumble under cursory logic.

I’m glad you’re done nitpicking now. Hopefully the threads will be more entertaining.


What’s limbo about it? The admiral of a fleet has to have a flagship as his headquarters, but that doesn’t mean he commands that ship on a day-to-day basis. The flagship has its own captain just like all the other ships do.

I agree Lee now outranks Tigh, at least in the manner that really matters most, having Admiral Adama’s confidence and trust. Look for some side comment in a later ep about Lee now being captain of Galactica, but also look for him and Tigh to stay out of each other’s way while Admiral Bill makes the big decisions. Hardly anyone knows who Kelly is and fewer care, anyway.


You realize I was being a smart ass about “Don’t read your posts”, right?

I was just re-watching and it’s five Basestars and a R-ship. It’s kinda important to me, if not Ron Moore. Just how big is Cylon civilization? They seem able to manufacture more Basestars & R-ships fairly quickly.

Did anyone else get a giggle when D’Anna said “there’s been some contROVe’sy about whether or not you should have been let on board.”

ContROVe’sy? Do Aussies or Kiwi’s even say it like that?

Yeah, what is up with Apollo saying “hey, I’ve dropped half a stone?” :rolleyes:

I was just looking at the list of names on the execution order they showed Starbuck while discussing Gaeta’s guilt. I slow-mo’d it and noticed:

Morose, Jacob - Entertainer
Emmanual, Sue - Doctor

It’s nice to know there are other doctors besides Doc Cottle. But entertainer? :confused:

Did anyone else have a Brokeback Mountain moment when Tigh was hanging up some of Ellen’s clothes there at the end? I expected him to say, “Ellen, I swear.”

I’d also like to know from where they were getting their information. Apparently they knew who the 200 or so NCP were, but were only going after the 57 or so worst offenders. How’d they get all that information? Were their names on the “secret NPC graduation ceremony plans?”

After re-watching just now, they mentioned at least twice having left “thousands” behind on NC.

I wonder what became of them? Left to fend for themselves and written off by the Fleet? Nuked by the Cylons after all?

On New Caprica we had NPC “goons” grabbing potentially innocent people and delivering them into the hands of the Cylons - most not knowing there was an execution order.

We have The Circle grabbing and executing potentially innocent people.

Both Government-sponsored. It’s a valid excuse for one group of thugs but not the other? Pot, meet kettle.

If the Cylons truly have left NC, then the “thousands” left behind might be the only ones to make it out of this whole frakking mess alive. A few thousand will give them enough genetic diversity to thrive, and the areas we saw away from the settlement look pleasant enough, no matter what the initial recon said about “marginally habitable.” People have survived in worse environments, and they have all the supplies and equipment left behind during the evacuation.

I concur with Elvis’s comments re rank in the fleet. Adama as Admiral, Lee as Captain of the Galactica, Tigh as XO, and Kelly/Helo as CMFIC when they are asleep/eating/showering/screwing etc.

There will continue to be fallout from this all season…mark my words. Gaeta will have some conflicts at a key time, I know it.


Not quite, but I did get that it didn’t make sense for you to be apologetic. :smiley:

I never though otherwise. Cottle may have been the only physician on Galactica, but alot of cruise ships survived (which would have some medical staff, plus doctors take vacations too). It’s idiotic to start executing medical staff. As for the entertainer, perhaps it’s some who did propoganda broadcasts. It would’ve been cool if we could have had a member of the Colonial Gang making propoganda for Baltar.

What would a doctor have to do to get on the Circle’s list? Treat Cylons? Then Cottle’s days were numbered as well.

Good point, but that wasn’t the list of collaborators The Circle was after, that was the list of Colonials the Cylons wanted Jammer to round up so they could execute them. All the names should have been insurgents but Jammer realized they were picking names for other reasons because Cally was on the list and she wasn’t part of the insurgency.

Cally mostly just lays in bed all day with the baby. Apparently she has Chronic Fatigue or something.

Following the French connection…I wonder if the names on the list came from people trying to settle old scores, ala the Law of Suspects during the Reign of Terror?

I f all Callie is going to do is lie around, she might as well do it naked.

Just listened to the podcast.

Gaeta and Tyrol were the only ones who knew the bowl was a signal. They didn’t know who each other were. Gaeta has been trying to tell everyone what he did, but no one believed him.

Tighe was not drunk when he dissed Adama.

Well if a doctor practiced reverse-triag and treated Cylons before more severely wounded humans that could a problem.

How did Gaeta originally set up the drop point then?

You’ll have to ask Ron. :slight_smile:

Not that hard. A random note passed through several hands gets to the Resistance, ofering info. A dead drop is suggested. Signals are passed, bona fides are established. Neither knows who is on the other end, so trust is sketchy at first. Gaeta takes a risk and gives good intel that enables Tigh to strike. He isn’t arrested, so that establishes Tyrol’s authenticity. From that, it’s simple.

Just imagine:

(In the Galactica CIC)

Tigh: You’re a frakking collaborator!
Gaeta: Oh yeah? Figure you’d be here now if I hadn’t given you the Cylon Jamming frequencies so you could contact the Galactica?
Tigh: Uhhhhh…

Instead, there was nothing but silence and a mopey countenance. Obviously, whoever Gaeta was telling, he didn’t do it much on camera. He sure didn’t seem much inclined to share his explanation with command, for some bizarre reason. And what he did tell on camera fell woefully short of what he could have. Just don’t know what RDM’s on about here.

When we see the Galactica’s bridge in “Exodus,” Capt. Kelly is seated at one of the computer consuls while Helo is acting as XO. So it looks like Kelly was temporarily filling Gaeta’s old position.

He’s likely to go back to being LSO, though – particularly now that Galactica has so many more Vipers to launch. I don’t think we need consider him for any of the position-jockying.

Even more than finding out how the XO position settles out between Tigh and Apollo, and who ends up as CAG (Apollo? Starbuck? Kat?), I’m interested to see how Boomer gets treated. She’ll probably do okay with the pilots and such who stayed aboard the Fleet, but I’d think those that were under the Cylon occupation on New Caprica won’t be pleased to see her…