Battlestar Galactica: How should Baltar's trial work?

May I approach the bench?
I don’t have a question. I just don’t want to stand out here in the open for the next few minutes.

Damn right. There’s plenty of room in the airlock for toasters!

Smapti? Doesn’t that stand for Spine May Appear Phosphorescent Through Intercourse? A Cylon, I tell you!

What I came in to say.

For those of us who have to wait for the DVDs to be released to watch season 3, the title of this thread just told us that we’re going to be watching the entire season with the foreknowledge that Dr. Baltar will eventually be brought to trial.

Please consider these things when you write your thread titles.


Exactly. I wasn’t going to even read the thread but spotted this at the bottom; surely you realize many of us wait for the DVDs. (Come on, widescreen, no commercials. We’re saving the episodes as they run on the DVR for, I dunno, some stupid reason, because we know we’re going to wait.)

From just the title, you don’t know a trial is about to start. The thread could be speculation about a possible trial in the event Baltar is captured. You didn’t have to click the thread to find out.

Not to mention that the idea was partly a plot element in the original, bad Battlestar Galatica.

We don’t know if there will be a trial, and, believe me, you have much bigger spoilers to stay clear off. :slight_smile:

Yeah, thanks, I didn’t read the thread; I just searched for “spoiler” to see if someone else had already mentioned it.

But if you want to argue that the thread title does *not * in fact announce the plot spoiler that Dr Baltar will be brought to trial, you go head on.

Or, instead of getting defensive and thus ridiculously illogical (it could be speculation that Baltasar is going to be accused of witchcraft, yeah that’s it, and dropped into a pond to see if he’ll float!) , you could acknowledge that it’s simply the polite thing to do, to leave such spoilers out of thread titles.

(Your argument that it could be speculation would apply to ANY title spoiler, and suggests the burden should be on me to convince myself it’s probably just speculation, rather than on you to be minimally polite.)

No kidding. If the rumors are true, we are in for one hell of a ride during Season 4, and I will owe Ron Moore one hell of an apology.

Hi, all. My apologies for the spoiler in the thread title - I didn’t think that through.

Again, you did not have to click the thread. Accept some personal responibility.

The point is that the spoiler is in the title and therefore it is read without opening the thread. The OP apologized, thus taking, as you said, personal responsibility.

Got anything to say about the topic?

Dude. Chill. lissener’s point is valid.

Does anybody want to talk about the trial, or is this bitch at Oakie night?


Order in the Court, Order in the Court! No more outbursts in the room… we have serious business to discuss here, anyone not interested in this discussion is invited to leave NOW, or further hold their piece until something constructive they have to say.

OakMinster, You have the floor.

(quickly gives gavel back to OP before anyone notices)

Thank you. I further suggest that formal charges be drafted, filed with the tribunal and served upon the Defendant forthwith. Defendant shall be entitled to be represented by Counsel of his choosing, provided that he may not chose one of those appointed to the panel of judges, and in the event that he choose none, Counsel shall be appointed to assist him. Defendant shall be entitled to 30 days to prepare a defense to the formal charges, and then the trial shall commence.

Defendant shall be entitled to privileged communication with his Counsel.

Witness lists shall be exchanged not later than 15 days prior to trial. Exhibits shall be exchanged not later than 10 days prior to trial.

Due to the circumstances and recent history of the Colonial Fleet, the traditional rules of evidence shall be relaxed, but the Presiding Judge shall hear and rule upon objections, and have the power to exclude evidence deemed unreliable or unfairly prejudicial.

The panel shall be entitled to decide, individually, what weight, if any, to attach to any admitted evidence.

To convict, a Judge must find that Defendant committed the offenses charged beyond a reasonable doubt.

Ilegal transfer of a nuclear weapon

Complicit in the destruction of the Rising Star.


Commissioner Declan raises an interesting point - how the nuclear device integrated into Dr. Baltar’s Cylon detector found its way aboard the Cloud Nine has never been satisfactorily explained, and the initial inquiry thereunto was quashed by Baltar as one of his first presidential acts. It has long been assumed that the Number Six Cylon informally known as “Gina” somehow acquired the device after her escape from captivity aboard Battlestar Pegasus - given that Baltar is now known to have a special affinity for the Six model, might he have been complicit in her escape or in providing her with the weapon? I suggest counseling the prosecution to investigate the possibility of trying Baltar as an accessory to the crime.

In addition to the major charges of treason and sedition, there may be other offenses that Baltar can be prosecuted for. In the hours prior to the evacuation of New Caprica, Baltar signed an executive order commanding the summary execution of several hundred prisoners, including former President Roslyn, Vice President Zarek, and vice president Cally Tyrol of the Colonial Workers Alliance. This action could be tried under any number of charges, including conspiracy to commit murder and violation of the prisoners’ civil rights. The torture of prisoners carried out in the New Caprica Detention Facility during the occupation may also be considered as a charge against Baltar, though the defense will surely argue that Baltar was unaware of the acts being committed by the Cylons and the New Caprica Police and lacked the authority to order the Cylons to stand down. Further research shall be necessary to determine whether Baltar can be tried for acts committed by the Cylon occupiers on behalf of the Colonial government.