Battlestar Galactica Spoilers 3.1

Cervaise was kind enough to offer a link to the first ten minutes of the season opener , but I’m getting really tired of spoiler boxes.
So, for those who read the thread and saw the spoiler, continue here.
Was that Anders with the Chief?

Yep. Pretty sure.

  • Tamerlane

If so, I would think he’d be playing his sports game with Leoban’s (sp) head.
I can’t imagine him being content with blowing up random Cylons when this guy is apparently screwing Ms. Thrace.

Speaking of screwing Cyclons, how hacked is Col. Tyge going to be when he discovers the reason for his release?

Now, if they just bring back Sebastin Spence (Aw, Mongo straight!) as the Viper pilot with “Foster” stenciled on his cockpit, life will be complete.

I don’t remember seeing the “survivor count” in the preview. The fleet seems to have jumped with skeleton crews. Gotta wonder if they’ve got much in the way of military capacity. Hangers full of Vipers ain’t much good without pilots…

Uh, Tigh’s wife is screwing someone to get what she wants? Have you even been watching? :smiley:

He won’t be hacked at all, until he finds out it was a Cylon. Now that’s just filthy!

There are photos floating around the net of a VERY interesting swearing-in ceremony.
Helo and Kat look good in dress uniforms
Cylons in sunglasses? Clasic.
56 hours to go? Priceless
Spin up the DVR drive!