BBQ mavens, how many BTUs is enough

The primal urge of “fire make food good” is upon me and it’s time to get a new gas grille. While it would be fun to get a stainless steel monstrosity the size of a Kenworth I’d prefer not to spend our or five hundred now and will get something more modest but of good quality. I’ve had good luck with the Char-Broil brand in the past and am looking at one with 35,000 BTUs in the grill area and an 8,000 BTU side burner. Is that enough for most grilling?

Burner! :eek:

Charcoal, my man! Charcoal!

I was hoping we wouldn’t have to bring Hank Hill into this. I like charcoal but for a variety of reasons prefer gas for the patio. It’s hot enough as it is, I don’t need charcoal putting off heat for the extra time before cooking and for hours afterward.

[Hank Hill]

Propane is God’s gas.

[/Hank Hill]

Sorry, I use charcoal.

Hey Padeye come down to I-10 and Ray Road, right infront of the Home Depot is an entire store devoted to grill’in. The grill’in store or grill heaven or somes

I bought a sweet!! Webber there two years ago and I have never, ever regreted it. Here you go my man!

I love that store. It will have everything you could possibly want.
And yes an 8000 BTU side burner is plenty, specially for corn etc…etc…

We’ve decided on the CharBroil propane/charcoal dual combo grill.

I never really thought about the BTUs until now.


Actually I planed on stopping at the Barbeques Galore store on Camelback on the way home from work tonight. I actually found the grill I want at Lowe’s and the price is good. A Char-Broil quickset for $159 with side burner and propane bottle. I’d prefer something with no plastic but this has very little so I can live with it until we get a bigger place and have room for the Nebuchadnezzar model.

Nice! I have a buddy in Tempe who had the Nebuchadnezzar model built into a outdoor stone countertop!! Lucky bastard! It’s really nice.

This year I’ve been having a great time with my gas grill, using a cast iron smoker box and hickory or mesquite chips. You get some of the smokey flavor back but with the convenience of propane (and propane accessories).