Bear_Napples attends uh weddin'! (Prepare to say "Holy Crap"... A lot)

Just a minor quibble: His name might be Gunnar, which I believe is vaguely Northern European. Rick Nelson named one of his sons Gunnar. It’s supposed to be pronounced Goo nar, I think.

Regardless, funny pictures. I wonder how many of those guys own cassette tapes of Lynyrd Skynyrd?

From the looks of those people I think we can safely say that it has to do with guns and also the only thing missing from that child’s name is -US. :wink:
Bad joke, I know, please forgive.

Was their first dance as husband and wife done to “Freebird?”

You know, looking at those pictures, they’d provide a motherlode of material for Jeff Foxworthy’s “You Might Be a Redneck” schtick.


Music!! I just knew there was something missing!!! (Besides her mom’s pants, I mean)

Sometimes I think I’ve lived a sheltered life.

I mean I’ve been shot, stabbed, slashed, beaten, kicked while I was down, and called bad names.

But those pictures made me say “Shee-it.”

Yikes! I, too, want to know what’s up with the MOBs lower half. I suspect (hope!) that she’s just wearing short spandex shorts (OK, maybe “hope” is the wrong word) under a really big t-shirt. But my first thought was, “brings new meaning to the word ‘casual’ to go pantsless at a wedding reception.”

Speaking as someone whose baby once licked a hospital room floor before I realized what was happening, I could maybe give a pass on the water thing (though, yeeech!), but combined with her being, what, three? and in a diaper, (and nothing else), dirty, scratched, and generally unkempt, it is really awful.

Sorry guys. I just now realized that the second dirty baby link has been a 404 error. I must not have had it uploaded. It’s working now:

No music? No radio tuned to the local country music station? Strange…

The boy in the last picture is cute. :slight_smile: Is he one of the 8 kids, or another cousin?

He’s one of the 8. I think he’s the oldest.

Not even a banjo!


OK. First off, there was definitely dirt and crap in the bottom of that bucket. And little floaties too. But I found out today that it wasn’t stagnant water!! I’m not quite sure which is worse: The truth, or what we believed to be the truth!!

The truth of the matter, is that was NOT a random bucket of dirty stagnant yellow water with debris floating all around in it.

The bucket was specifically placed there on purpose!
It was put there for the children.

It was GATORADE!! Gatorade!!!
I want to run out into the street and scream at the top of my lungs like some scene from Soylent Green! "The Stagnant Water is Gatorade!!! It’s Gatoraaaaaaaade!!!

OK, so I guess we can cancel that call to DCF, but . . . HOLY CRAP!!

They put out a “bucket” of gatorade for the kiddies!! A bucket!!! ON THE GROUND!! UNDER A TREE!! With all the dirty little hands dipping into it, and stuff randomly falling from the tree and dirt blowing in it. . . A BUCKET!!!
Let’s not even try to put the thing on the table or something. Or put it in a cooler or a bowl. And for what it’s worth. I saw no other kids drink the gatorade. And for that matter I didn’t see any kids with cups drinking anything. Where were the cups??? The only child I saw drinking it - a 3-4 year old in a diaper - was ladling it out of there with the cap from a Sprite bottle.

Wow. Just Wow!!! Oh, and HOLY CRAP!

What I find oddly amusing is not so much that the father of the bride is wearing a tee shirt to his daughters wedding reception, but that it is one that is very worn and absolutely filthy (at least when the pictures were taken).

That might be the worst bit yet. No WAY was that the only possible option to provide drinks for the kids. Bloody hell. :smack:

Plus, you saw no other kids drinking from it, or with cups of anything? Yet, judging by the “casual attire” :), that must have been quite a hot day, I think. OK, I’m sure Scottish Celyn has a slightly different idea of “hot” , but all the same…

That sounds like a bit less care than the average person would give a dog, unless some adult was fetching them water or soft drinks from house/trailer (although they would have had to put it in invisible cup…). Nah - it is all very strange. :frowning:

Gatorade? For kids?

Do kids even LIKE Gatorade? (I’ve never tasted it, so I wouldn’t know)

That’s just…weird.

Looking at the pictures again, though, with the exception of the Little Diaper Girl (cute kid, just looks way too old to be in diapers), the kids look a lot classier than the adults.

Heh… the kids were smart enough not to drink from it.

They can afford Gatorade, but can’t afford salt?

Well, Bear_Napples, you had me worried there for a bit. My Mississippi backyard wedding reception is in three weeks (got married in Vegas last weekend).

But thanks to those pictures, I can see that ours will be mighty high-falutin’ in comparison. We’re having it catered and hiring a bartender, for starters :slight_smile:
Wow. Just wow.

::: wiping sweat from brow :::

Gosh, this reminds me of the cliques in fifth grade.

My grandparents are from Somerset, Kentucky, which is hillbilly heaven. I was lucky, if you want to call it that, because my granddaddy got burned in a mining accident. Since there was no Worker’s Comp or disability programs then, Grandma had to support the family. Since a woman couldn’t work in the mines, the family had to pull up stakes and move to the “big city” where there was work. And that is what saved us from the cycle of poverty that still permeates through Eastern Kentucky.

Today I own property in Eastern Kentucky, on Lake Cumberland, thanks to my grandparents. We go down to our summer cottage a few weekends a year to go boating and fishing. The people in the pictures above look like the people I know at Lake Cumberland. I consider them to be my friends. Yes, they are ignorant. Yes, they are poor. Yes, their diets stink. Yes, they drink waaaay too much. That is what ignorant, poor people do. That is how they were raised.

Some free advice: If someone invites you to celebrate their wedding, and your only intent in going is to belittle them and to take pictures of them so you can giggle about how freaking superior you are, then do the classy thing and stay the hell at home.

Did you read the first thread?

And these poor people ran through $250,000 like nothing, are “too poor” to buy salt but buy Gatorade (served to young children in a filthy bucket) and lots of beer, and can’t even be bothered to spell the names of their own relatives properly.

Being poor doesn’t excuse being wasteful, tactless, and dirty. I grew up poor as well but my parents knew how to set priorities, keep us clean and fed with decently healthy food, and had good manners.

PunditLisa, have we been reading the same threads about these people?

Being poor is no excuse for being ignorant in this fashion. You can be poor and have dignity. You can be poor and be thoughtful. You can be poor and in humble circumstances but still maintain a decent standard of living.

We’re not talking about people living so far off the grid in a rural area that they don’t have running water or electricity or access to infrastructure and resources. We’re not talking about people so impoverished that they cannot purchase life basics – remember the $250k burned through, remember the vehicles including a dune buggy – or even life luxuries, like cigarettes and beer.

In this case, we’re not talking about people who don’t have an opportunity to know better, or people who don’t have an opportunity to do better. We’re talking about people who choose to live this way. Their redneckitude is, as depicted in these photographs, a lifestyle choice.

And yes, I think that Bear_Nenno is justified in repudiating, denigrating and mocking this lifestyle choice, because it is a disgusting lifestyle choice.

It isn’t necessary to think honorably of people who decide that because they have a lower income and live out in the sticks that they don’t need to keep their home and property clean and safe.

It isn’t necessary to speak kindly of people who prioritize the purchase of luxuries and toys ahead of basic, normal necessities.

It is unspeakable to suggest tolerance of people whose concept of fit care for their many children includes limiting access to fresh, healthy food, providing unpotable liquids in a manner not even befitting a dog, and allowing those children to run around in filthy clothing and diapers (beyond typical ages for toilet training, barring developmental delay) and play barefoot in an area with all manner of safety concerns such as vehicles on blocks, haphazardly “stored” tools and a pile of raw wood stumps.

Chosen ignorance deserves no quarter. I thought that was why we were all here.

My mother was raised in the same environment they were. Blaming one’s upbringing is the easy way out. It’s a way for people to be content with where they are and what they have. These people have no ambition to become anything else, and they have no desire to give their children the advantages their childhoods lacked.
As I said before, this is not about being poor. This guy takes home almost $800 a week! And he hasn’t paid taxes in like 20 something years so that’s saving him even more money. Even after spending almost $300 a week on beer, cigarettes and weed, I can’t see where the other $2000 a month is going! It gets blown at bars or god-knows where! It’s definitely not the bank since he has no bank account. He paid cash for his vehicle and has no other bills besides his rent (which is always late) and utilities.
This man hasn’t bought any of his kid’s a birthday present in maybe 13 years!! He doesn’t seem to even give a shit about that. His children are highschool and middle school aged if you’re wondering.

And $250,000 should have been enough to sustain the family of the bride’s standard of living indefinitely! But no, it lasted less than a year.

I have seen houses in the projects that are very clean and very nice. People can do a whole lot with very little. There are some things that just do not require money. Things like being clean, wearing a clean shirt to a wedding reception, NOT serving gatorade to your kids from a trough, taking pride in your appearance, making attempts to better your life and your kids’ lives. Taking an active role in your children’s education. Demanding that they perform well in school and strive to graduate. Not letting them drop out. Encouraging them to go to college. Convincing them that they can do something in life besides construction.

Being content with that standard of living is inexcusable. Being in that position is one thing. Not at least trying to better yourself or your children is quite another.

These people are not in “hard times”. There is money, it just doesn’t go where it should. It goes to a $2000 stereo instead of school clothes. It goes to a new V8 for the sand buggy instead of healthy food for the kids. It goes to a new whatchamajigger for the Harley instead of books or educational games, or gifts for the kids or how about money so the kids can go to a skating rink or something every now and then.
Or how about things that cost nothing… Like fucking teaching your 3.5 year old to shit in a toilet instead of a diaper!!!

Making fun of someone who is in a bad situation, who is poor and jobless and can’t help where/what he is. That’s one thing. That’s not what is being done here.

I’m not sure exactly how I’d classify this thread. It’s part funny, part sad, part eye opener. Call it a case study into the human psyche. “Why people choose to live a certain way, despite oppurtunites to better themselves”.

Honestly, is being poor an excuse to serve your kids dirty gatorade from a filthy bucket? Is it an excuse to not potty train your kids? Is it an excuse to HAVE 8 kids? Is it an excuse to scam the church into giving you hand-outs? Maybe if people like you stopped making excuses for them, they would get their asses in gear and provide a better future for their children.