The story about the bears killing the monkey got me thinking…what if it had been a gorilla instead of a little monkey? Gorillas are pretty damn strong but so are bears. Who would win
Oh my god I wondered the exact same thing after reading the same story in the news. I have no idea who would win, but it isn’t unusual for a large bear to weigh over 1,000 pounds.
A while ago most people seemed to favor the bear.
I would run away, screaming, if that helps.
It may depend upon the bear. A small black bear might have a hard time, but when enraged, even they are a handful.
From what I know of bears, I’d say a grizzly or polar bear would win hands down. I don’t think gorillas are all that fierce, are they?
BTW, anybody know the apes’ theme song?
Gorrila My Dreams
Both are incredibly strong, but I think the claws, thick hide and fur, and practice using thier bite as a killing weapon strongly favor the bear.
With or without Ditka?
In Magic, the strongest Bear is 4/3, but a Gargantuan Gorilla easily wins with 7/7 stats.
Ah, but if we play Beserk on that there bear (and hell, let’s agree, a bear can get pretty bloody pissed), it not only smashes the Gorilla into the dust (becoming an 8/3), but also tramples over for one point of damage!
True, but at what cost? The bear will kill itself in the process, so that doesn’t really help answer the OP. I would suggest casting Humble on the Gorilla first.
A gorilla trained to fight bears, and in the optimum environment, would have a pretty good chance. The ape would fight by staying in the trees, going from one tree to another if the bear tries to climb up after it, and throwing big heavy things at the bear.
In any circumstances short of that, the ape’s best chance of killing the bear is by giving it a bad case of indigestion.
This is pretty funny, seeing as I’m currently reading a satire called Bear v. Shark, which parodies American culture and their love affair with sports. In the future, the biggest sporting event is a tussle between a bear and a shark. Everyone in America is debating whether the bear or the shark would win.
As for Bear v. Gorilla, I’m going for the gorilla. Not only does it seem more powerful (based on King Kong and the like], but as a fan of The Colbert Report, I cannot root for a godless killing machine.
I think I would only vote for the gorilla if it had been trained to operate a bazooka.
Or if it was fighting a Koala Bear :dubious:
Since there appears to be no factually possible answer, let’s head over to IMHO.
samclem GQ moderator
Depends. Is the bear a grizzly/polar bear hybrid? If so, all bets are off.
Problem is, the bigger ones don’t climb trees; only small females and adolescents. Cite
Could anything beat an angry bear? What about an elephant? Or rhino. I think a rhino could beat up anything.
Doesn’t the Discovery Channel have a show like this where they make mechanical animal jaws and computer animations? I think I saw one that was tiger vs. … wolf? Or something like that.
Yeah I remember that show, they had an episode with a salt water crocodile vs. a great white shark but I can’t remember who won.
How about a monkey instead of a gorilla? Turns out that was done just the other day: