Beckdawrek is unwell

I guess I’m late to this party, but I sure am glad to hear @Beckdawrek is getting better. Hang in there, darlin’ !

The Lil’wrekker questions me often about, " What are telling those people about me today?"

I rarely tell her the truth.
She did read the one about the laughing Cop and her exploding hair failure. She thought that was cool.

If she read some of them she’d be pissed.

And you are a celebrity in my life.

Tell her that we adore her for being there for you.

Aww. That’s sweet. I will her that.

I’ll second that.

And that she’s GOT to be wonderful, because you are her mommy!


Tell her that mommy wrekker needs help when she gets home.

Have the family smuggle in your emotional support possum!
It might motivate them doctors to get you home quicker!

An excellent idea!

psst – you missed a thread. Clarence is no longer with us.

But she does still have her emotional support most expensive alley cat. :grinning:


If they smuggle him in, though, he’s going to take over the whole place. (On whether that would be an improvement, I’m withholding judgement.)

Jojo baby, ignore the haters, Mommy luv you


GAWD, JoJo needs to accompany you to PT!

All the therapists will kowtow to you, forever more!


I swear I’m gonna get Jojo an approved therapy Cat lisc.

Wonder how you do that? Hmmm? I will do research.:thinking:

Hey! That wasn’t hate! Just because a cat wants to be the one who sets the rules doesn’t mean I can’t love him!

– good thing, too. I don’t think I’ve ever known a cat who didn’t want to be the one who sets the rules; just some who were more determined and/or better at pulling it off than others.

The equivalent human age of dogs is two. They can understand basic commands and communicate to some limited degree.
The equivalent human age of cats is forty seven. They just don’t give a damn.

Cats is born old. And crochety.

I wish you’d stop being so good to me Captain - YouTube