Beckdawrek is unwell

Best wishes Beck and Jojo. Glad you are posting.

@Beckdawrek I’m glad you are feeling better but you STILL have to be a good patient! Time to join the Marines and just follow orders!

Be well, stay well.

Oh, gawd.
I was raised by a drill instructor.
Ended up a Master Sergeant.
He was a stickler for following orders.

I so know how to toe the line.

and sneak around and fake it

I’ll be good.:blush:

Oh boy sounds like your training was way better than mine!

Take care care care!

I’m so glad to hear you’re healing, beck! I am a near constant lurker in your threads and don’t know what I’d do if I weren’t able to witness (or read) the gloriousness that is you. Heal so you can get out of that hospital soon!

So glad to see you’re on the road to recovery!

I can empathize with you re: hospital food. When I got my tonsils out at age 9 everybody told me getting ice cream afterward would make it worth it.

They gave me lime ice cream. It was horrible. I couldn’t eat it. I wouldn’t eat it.

And this was at Marcus Welby’s hospital! (I know it was just used for the opening shot of the show, but still).

Big hugs to you and LilWrekker (I love that she hates that name :laughing:).

You’re so sweet.
But, come in the threads and post your thoughts.
I love to hear from you guys.:heart:

I got a graphics card good enough to play Doom 2016, and I’m getting the snot beaten out of me.

It’s very strange. I’ve stayed multiple days in hospitals only twice, and I was never disappointed in the food. Maybe because I was expecting it to be bad, and was pleasantly surprised?

Anyway, I glad you’re doing better Beck.

I hope your breakfast is better than what I got after my heart surgery: a salt-free 2" diameter egg white omelet.

Jesus, I don’t think I could eat after heart surgery.
Just lie very still, and very quiet, don’t want to bust any sutures.

When I had my tonsils out, at somewhere around age 6, they promised me ice cream afterwards.

When I woke up, they gave me Cream of Wheat instead.

I threw a fit. Not about the Cream of Wheat as such; I rather liked Cream of Wheat under ordinary circumstances, though I wasn’t about to eat it then. I threw a fit about having been lied to.

Eventually they brought me some ice cream.

Er, how do you through a meaningful fit when you are six? Folks generally ignored my fit efforts at six.

I don’t remember the details. I think I kept saying, in as loud a voice as I could manage (and possibly in the hearing of other kids in the ward, I don’t think we all had separate rooms) something like ‘You promised me icecream. Why would you do that if you weren’t going to give me ice cream? Why wouldn’t you just tell me to start with it would be Cream of Wheat? Why would you lie to me? Whyyyyy would you doooo that?!’

I don’t know whether they eventually felt guilty, or whether there were other kids within hearing who they didn’t want to realize that they were being lied to, or whether maybe one or both my parents were there and made them bring me ice cream. My parents weren’t perfect, but they didn’t pull that sort of crap on me, and they would have thought I was justified to be ticked off about it.

You were one brave kid. I’d have thought they would put my diseased tonsils back in if I complained, or designated me as an organ donor. “A nice fresh pair of lungs!” “A young, still beating heart from a little bastard that wouldn’t shut up!”

Anybody else remember Bill Cosby’s routine about being promised ice cream after a tonsil operation?

I got ice cream after tonsil operation. I came out of the anesthesia a bit too quickly. They wrapped me in a sheet, put me in a chair, and gave me 2 cups of ice cream while they cleaned up everything I wasn’t supposed to see.

I don’t think I’d heard of organ donations at the time. And they certainly wouldn’t have thought I was brave, I was the kid who screamed her head off when they stuck a needle in my butt and kept screaming until they took it out. They probably just thought I was a really whiny kid.

I was just a really whiny kid who wasn’t yet used to being lied to by grownups.

Did you have any idea you’d been a celebrity for years?

We’ve heard soooo many stories… And you can read them all, if you have a spare week (quick, now, while mom’s distracted).

Me or Brooke? I’d go with her because she’s worlds cuter than I.