Beck's Update: second kidney successfully removed

Sending thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery and a good outcome. :hibiscus:

Good luck.

I hope the surgeon will give the removed kidney, so now she can put the REAL one in a jar as a keepsake memento!

Demand the good drugs, Beck, and give them Hell until you get them! Then heal quickly so you can hurry back to these Dopers who love you lots (I’m one of them!) and you can give us all of the bad bad bad details!

With virtual hugs and kisses across the miles,

Mr. Mike-

Mother is in a regular room.
They had her up walking, she’s had dialysis this morning as well.
She’s unhappy because of the pain.
But we’re all glad the surgery is over.

Her glucose is giving us fits. It will settle down, presently.

This is the last update, from me. She insisted on have her not-so-secret phone and tablet.

Thank you all for your concern and well wishes.


I’m glad to hear that she’s up and about. Thank you, again, dropzone, for providing the updates.

Enjoy your tacos, Granny!

I’m so happy to hear she’s asking for her tablet – that’s got to be good news! Good good vibrations going out to Beck and hugs to her family.

Best wishes to ya, Beck!!! From one Meezer lover to another!


And from another meezer lover! :paw_prints: :paw_prints:

Just want to add my voice to those wishing Beck the bestest wishes ever for a speedy recovery. You are so missed – your family misses you, your vast menagerie of loving animals (both wild and domesticated) miss you, and we Dopers miss you and your bad, bad, bad stories. Come back to us soon! :heart: :dog:

Best wishes Beck xx

Oh Beck, the troubles you’ve been, I mean seen. Get well soonest. We need you. And so do Brooke, Clarence, Bayliss, and even Ed Zotti, though he doesn’t know it.

Oh, One ‘33’, in Granny’s honor.

I’ll bet that possum is under the bed, feet up.

Best wishes, Beck!

Beck, get better quick. We miss you.

I am pulling for you, 48.

I can already see the “Beck’s Bad, Bad, Bad Hours of Dreams During Post-Surgery Wakefulness” threads…

Well this is another fine mess I’ve gotten myself into.

Ask the wrong question to the wrong Medical professional and you land in my nightmare.

Insomnia is not fun while you’re painful. But, I am up to date on current events and I know what’s on sale on *QVC.

@VOW, thanks for my puzzle books. Can’t exactly do them hepped up on goof-balls. But the coming days they’ll be valued.

I haven’t eaten very much. I feel like tomorrow I’ll be virtually starved.
The nurses hate me.
I asked the day nurse what time she got off. She said “Not soon enough”
Alrighy then.

A public thankyou to Mike/ @Dropzone. He’s got his own problems but took time out to help me with mine.

TY, TY, TY. You all are my best friends.

Love you one and all,
Signed: The girl who lived.

*What does QVC stand for?

Good very early morning! Insomnia sucks, and is much worse in pain. Can’t those mean nurses give you something to help with one or both of those?

*Quality Value Convenience!

Thank you for the QVC explanation.
It was keeping me up nights.

(I have a pain pump)

So nice to hear from you! I’m sure the nurses love you. It’s everyone else that’s annoying them.