All my life, it seems that when I wake up from a nap or a nights rest, my eyes are not focused for a few seconds.
For the most part, my normal routine was, wake up, fumble for glasses, stumble out of bed, and then my vision would settle in at “normal”.
The past few days, it has taken my eyesight 15 to 20 minutes to adjust after I wake up instead of the 15 to 20 seconds.
What is the cause or possible causes of this?
If I had to survive on my own WAG I would think it has something to do with muscles around the eyes.
Thankfully, I do not have to survive on my own WAGs.
So, is 15 to 20 seconds normal for this?
Should I be worried of this longer adjustment time?
Yes, you should be very concerned. Don’t screw around with your eyes by asking for important medical advice online. Get to a eye doctor right away. I hear that being blinded sucks!