Beechnut...Get a clue!

Okay, I know we are supposed to be nice to newbies here at the SDMB, but that can only go so far when these newbies show as much of a killer combination of ignorance and arrogance as Beechnut has in this thread! He spent over two pages trying to defend cherry-picking data and refusing to even acknowledge the existence of data before January 1998, or the fact that this year, seen on any plots of temperature that include years before and after it is clearly an anomaly.

Now he says, “All I can say is that these scientists ought to take a basic course in statistics” thus in a single sentence dismissing the conclusions of thousands of scientists, the IPCC, the National Academy of Sciences, and even the U.S. Climate Change Science Program formed by President Bush.

If you think you are so freakin’ enlightened, Beechnut, why waste your time with us. Why not try to publish your brilliant conclusions in some refereed journal?

Oh yeah, and please try listening a little bit to what other people are trying very patiently to tell you.

IANAM (not a mod) but it seems to me this is mild enough to have gone in that thread. All we’ve acheived here is me craving baby food. :slight_smile:

Do you have the monthly data or a graph to back this Pitting, particularly versus 1998?

I just looked at the subject title of that thread, and said screw it. I was not going to waste my time.

SteveG1, you are much wiser (and/or less compulsive) than I! :slight_smile:

I took the last two letters of your post, which I’m sure is statistically relevant enough, and extrapolated the “ni” to “nice” which means you’re actually in love with Beechnut.

Ah, I love when nay-sayers try to use amateur science to disprove professional science. It sends an oddly mixed message.

Do you have any specific posts, hopefully relating to 1998 that prove this?

I ignored the first 57 or so characters of your post and focused instead on the last three… his. This proves, beyond a doubt, that you too are enamored with “his”, being Beechnut’s manliness. Don’t deny it, you love him too.

Man, if I knew pit threads were this fun to start and watch develop, I wouldn’t have waited over 6 years here before starting my first one! :wink:

Your infatuation is so palpably obvious, it’s almost sickening. Ignoring the first 100+ letters of your post, your love of Beechnut is so intoxicating, it’s making you "stone"d.

Or chewing tobacco…

jshore, you’re a better person than I am. It’s idiots like Beechnut - monumentally ignorant, totally impervious to reason or common sense, and utterly persisent in restating arguments that have already been countered - that make me reluctant to enter Great Debates. And this guy isn’t even as entertaining as Flash Dancer (who made spectacular blunders in nearly every post). Kudos for fighting the good fight, no matter how frustrating it may be.

…or fruit-stripe gum.

So where has Beechnut’s thread gone, anyway? I can’t find it on the GD page and I’m not allowed to open it via the link in jshore’s OP. Did the admins just decide to “disappear” it or what? Was it found to be simply too embarrassing an example of ineradicable ignorance?

(Oh, btw, paging jshore for cleanup over in the “precautionary principle” thread. Oy vey.)

Disappearing that thread is a grave mistake. We’ll only have to do it again next time someone brings up the “no global warming since 1998” canard.

Yup. Oh well. Nice work over in the PP thread, btw; I guess jshore can sleep in. (Those slacker Yanks, five or six hours late for every thread, right? ;))

Yeah…a slacker I am. And, as I sleep, a whole thread disappears in a puff of illogic. Oh well…people will be wondering what I was going on about.

As for the PP thread, it looks like you guys are holding up the fort very well. I might just be tempted to add a few little things.

We haven’t had any threads on this board denying global warming since 1998!

Since the author was a troll/sock, it is likely that his return will disappear even more swiftly the next time.

Nothin’ to see, here, folks, move along.

[ /Moderating ]