Been meaning to...a show and tell MMP

Heh. Moral of the story: always read your title aloud. Alternatively: don’t. Typos cause witty remarks. :stuck_out_tongue: (Thanks for correcting it, twicks.)

Hope the medicinal ice cream is easy to find, FCM. And that you feel better soon.

Good luck, Nava!

Hope she has a great week in DC, Soapy. Brother and nephew were there for a couple days last week and had a blast.

BTW: saw your dibs on 4/18, rosie. Will update sig in a bit.

Yes…the pizza was impressive. I think he chose 6 meats. And they did not skimp. I, on the other hand, had 3 things: spinach, mushrooms and pine nuts. It was yummy. I’d never been to that pizza place (Dewey’s - regional chain based in Cincinnati) and have to say that I liked them a lot. Really nice crusts: Thick, but airy.

And the butterflies were really fun to watch. It seemed like there were more varieties this year, but maybe it was because we hung around a long time and got to notice them all.

And yes,** tarra**, he’s a nice goof. Really generous and thoughtful kid. Although he has his moments of irrational nearly-teen-ness.

Hi Haze! Nice to see you again this week, SO.

Off today to use up some of my accumulated vacation. As janis said, it’s stormy out; this means I’m not feeling inclined to leave the house, although I have a coupon for $10 off at Lowe’s that expires today.

Off to do something productive…laundry first, I suppose.



Howdy Y’all from irk. I got told on by my nemesis. Said nemesis got told off by who she was ummm… how does one put this… tellin’ me on to perhaps. :smiley: When one lies and then tries to make it look like somebody else did when all fingers point to said liar, it’s best to suck it up and go on, right? Anywho, it has kept me entertained. I wonder if a melt down is forthcomin’. This would be irk drama worth seein’.

Ok, that’s my mornin’ with actual irk stuff thrown in.

How y’all doin’ today, in the nonflirty how you doin’ way?

Mornin’ Mumpers! (Noon! Haze!) I did something shocking yesterday: I actually left the house and was social for a few hours! :eek: I’ve been getting too hermit-like, so I decided on my way to the grocery sto’, I’d stop off and see Irish Brother and give him a book I just got from an author we both like. When I got there he reminded me that it was after 6 p.m. on a Sunday in North By-God Kakalak and the grocery sto’ was closed. :smack: So we went to Sonic for milkshakes. I hit up the more expensive sto’ later on for Bean Soup Fixin’s which the cheap sto’ does not carry.

In other news, The Boys and I have realized that the reason Katy Cat is yelling so much is that she’s losing her hearing. Other than that, she’s in great shape for 16.

returns to caffienation

GT, your sock-in-progress pictures reminded me of these needles. No reason why, other than your needles also had a neat tip on them. I should look up finding some elegant crochet hooks…in a few years when I both have the money and am better at what I’m doing.

And now I had to do a quick Google search to find some elegant crochet hooks. Look!ENVY.

Are you working at DH’s office? There was a recent storm with A telling the boss that she was unhappy with DH, and B is unhappy with DH and A, and now DH has had to tell the boss that he copied A and B on an email to C that the problem was really something M did…

So far, I’ve been lucky to work in professional offices that are actually professional with people that happily collaborate and share. Maybe it just takes a certain caliber of person to work in a geographically diverse group - for five years, I was several states away from my manager, and now, we’re coast-to-coast with people in each time zone.

Right now, I’m doing what I can to stay inside with the windows closed to keep the yellow-green plague away. Judging by the itchy eyes and scratchy throat, I’m not succeeding. Betwixt the allergies and the antihistamines, I have a whole lot of donwanna.

Morning, Mumpers! SSDD.


Had a long but fun weekend - ran up Cook Forest, went to Outrageous Bingo, had much (too much) good food. I’m glad to be back at my desk and catching up on my sleep.

gotti this is someone who was not forthcomin’ in the sharin’ of info I needed so I let it be known to her TPTB and my TPTB the problem. Needless to say nemesis does not like me (like I care just do your job!) and somehow thought she’d get me in trouble. However, the “problems” all point to her. So, she rides high on the drama llama but only brings more on herself. It entertains me.

BBQ and ice cream for lunch! I’m gettin’ treated. Ok everybody is gettin’ treated and we’re all excitated and giddy. The ice cream is from a new ice cream shop (spelled shoppe) that just opened down the street from irk. New ice cream shoppe ice cream! YAY!

Oh, priddy! My needle tip is one of those removable ones that you use to keep stitches from falling off when you’re no knitting. I use them a lot when I’m knitting, either to make double-pointed needles single-pointed or to mark needle 1 (as in this case) when you have to number them. [/knitting geekery]

I’ve been fortunate to only rarely (and briefly) have to deal with sneaky/stupid co-workers.

::Waves at additional Mumpers who have stopped in since last post.::

I’m de-grungifying my room this morning (while doing laundry). There’s an annoying accumulation of dust bunnies. I’m almost done and ready to move things back in. Then I’ll be running some errands before returning to attack the office.

Also, need to consider lunch. Prolly leftover pizza.

Yes, it’s BIG FUN Monday Chez GT.

mrfl blrf

Echod! Haze! You’re here on page one! Yay!

My memory card has plenty of random stuff on it, but nothing terribly share-worthy. Oh well.

So far I’ve been thru 18 episodes of 30 Rock. But my sniffles have stopped and my throat doesn’t hurt as badly. I’m still exhausted, but I can deal with that with some melatonin tonight.

The house is open because it’s beautiful outside. I’m going back to my TV.

That’s all I’ve got for now…

Glad you’re improving, FCM.

The photos don’t actually have to be shareworthy, rosie. :smiley:

OK…got distracted by lunch and other stuff, so I’m just now finishing cleaning the floor prior to moving stuff back in.

Then it’ll be time to run errands. Woooooot!

Back to work.


Eeek, I killed the MMP! :eek: :eek:

OK, so probably not. But I’m now ready to head out to Lowe’s. I knew you were wondering how long it would take.


Papa John is making supper. Which is good - all I’ve had today is some tea, some leftover pasta, and an orange. And some turkey coldcuts. I need food.

I was starting to feel better, then crappier again. I think at this point, mostly I need sleep. After pizza. I hate being sick. waah waah waah!

We got invitated to dindin at the good Eyetalian place. MMMMMMM… Spaghetti and Meatballs and Chicken Parmesan. Plus a Belini. Oh so good! I’s stuffded but not over stuffded. Now I await the promised rain.

I think I shall go lie upon the bed and watch me some teevee.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Happy Monday Mumpers!

I didn’t scan/read or nuttin because I’m buried here. It’s more work not working than working.

In the morning, the Missus and I drive to Little Rock to visit the Kid for a week. Depending on the level of busy-ness, I may or may not post much.

Before the week is out, I will have a new name, and thanks for all the suggestions!

Subscribing. I dislike stomach flu. I am looking forward to eating again.
Poor Gnat. His appetite suddenly skyrocketed and didn’t match his insulin dose and he went to bed sky-high. Mr. Lissar gave him extra insulin and will check him in about twenty minutes. I would like a few quiet normal days, please.
Haze! We were reading the Peter Rabbit book you gave Gnat a couple of days ago! How’s the wedding drama?


The wedding drama has subsided for the most part. Boyfriend and I had a talk and decided that we would no longer talk about the wedding until he formally proposes, which I honestly think is weird, but he really really wants to maintain some semblance of a surprise, so I agreed to it.

I knit a hat recently for Boyfriend’s niece, but am too lazy to upload photos. :stuck_out_tongue:

But…but…but…we were counting on drama!


I happen to know that you have uploaded at least one photo of said hat. And it is cute. It’s in the yarn thread.

I should be asleep by now. Tomorrow promises to be a long day.

Hugs all.


Oh, right. :smack: Okay, here’s another one with a ribbon threaded through it. I like the effect.

I like the cardigan, gt. I want to attempt one some day. At the moment I’m knitting a teddy bear.