Working on the mesa is kind of interesting. Yesterday, while we were waiting for clearance to cross the range, a roadrunner trotted out from the weeds, crossed the (dirt) road in front of us, and meandered into the open bays of the range’s fire station. It’s the first one I’ve ever seen in real life. I’ve lived in this part of New Mexico for six years, now, and I’ve seen more wildlife in the last 2 months that I’ve seen in the whole previous six years.
The place I work at is a bomb range in the middle of a military reservation – no hunting. Period. Pronghorn Antelope graze in the parking lots, rabbits are all over the place (if it were greener and less pockmarked, you’d mistake it for the set of Telletubbies). A couple weeks ago I saw a horned toad while we were preparing to shoot off some Smoky Sams.
I like my job!