Beer Bottles

Anyone out there know why a bottle of beer in the US is 12 oz. and a pint is, well, a pint?

Any history on the emergence of those standard sizes would be greatly appreciated . . .

I don’t know any of the history, but a pint is simply 16 fl oz.

I don’t know what the deal is with the 12oz vs. Pint. I would guess the answer is along the same line as feet vs. meters. But anyway, has anyone noticed the new Miller Lite bottles? Is this a seasonal thing or what?

Well, not so simply – in the UK and Ireland, and at plenty of faux-Irish pubs in the US, a pint is 20 ounces. And both ounces and pints are non-metric measures, so the feet vs. meters thing isn’t really comparable.

No clue how 12 and 16 ounces got to be the “standard” beer sizes in the US, sorry.

Beer & soda was first dispensed on tap. Beer was dispensed in pint and quart sized glasses(hence the phrase 'mind your P’s & Q’s).

In 1892, the crown cap was invented, allowing easy bottling. The bottling of sodas really took hold in the 1920’s with the marketing of ‘Home Paks’, the first 6-packs. The soda industry first used 6 ounce ‘split’ bottles, then 8 ounce, and larger & larger. 12 ounce bottles are used for their convenience of size & weight in 6 packs, and for their compatibility in bottling machines and bottle dispensers(soda machines).

Maybe, maybe not.