Ben & Jerry's free cone day is next Tuesday 4/21/2009

Link here.

I’m glad you wrote it instead of just telling me.

Their freakin’ what?

Free cone day. You walk in and get a free cone. One per trip, as many trips as you like.

Last year I also got a key tab for 10% off all purchases at the store for the whole year. Saved a bundle on my ice cream bill–to hell with talking geickos.

I always remember and never go because all the B&Js near me are in urban areas (Berkeley, the Haight, etc.) where the lines are just a nightmare. I like the stuff, but totally not worth the effort…

Sweet, and it’s on my day off since I get Brazilian holidays (Tuesday is Tiradentes).

It is also Iced Coffee Day at Dunkin’ Donuts. It’s not free coffee but a donation to charity if you buy a small cup.

Bumpity-bump. It’s tomorrow.

I’ve already scheduled a lunch “meeting” with my coworkers at the mall where there’s a Ben & Jerry’s. I do that every year, and it’s lots of fun.

Last time I saw 'em doing that the line was so long you could easily earn the 4 bucks (or whatever an ice cream cone costs) in the time it takes to wait through the line, even at minimum wage.

I know, I know, it’s the principle of the thing…

There are five Ben & Jerry’s shops in my state and none of them are participating in “free cone day.”

Well that just ices my butt.