Bernie Sanders' lapel pin

Does Hillary Clinton wear a pin?

I saw it. It wasn’t very good and it wasn’t necessary.

There is no need for explanations - the thing speaks for itself. Bernie Sanders does not want to associate himself with the American flag while running for the American Presidency.


Yeah, because Sanders obviously hates ourfucking flag.

Obama was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2004, a little more than two years before declaring his candidacy for President.

(Though, I suspect I may be being whooshed here. :slight_smile: )

He could wear the flag of Molvania.

I am shocked- shocked mind you, that there were Republicans who don’t wear flag pins on their lapels!

Yes, Shodan, we all know that Sanders is unconcerned with silly frivolities. In fact, that’s a large part of why we like him. You don’t need to keep reminding us.

You know, this thread might make the slightest bit of sense if someone was giving Sanders crap about his lack of flag pin or something but as it stands it’s pure circle jerk.