The title pretty much sums up the theme of this OP, but here’s a little more detail:
June 5-15th we are going to Oahu for a tax conference (well, my dad is going to the conference, but I refuse and will be spending my time sleeping on the beach and doing the usual 19-year-old-in-Hawaii-thing).
We went to Oahu a couple years ago and flew ATA- it was pretty miserable. Everything was super cramped (more so then on any other airline I’ve ever flown on) and things were just generally pretty bad. I know I’m probably asking for a lot, but does anyone know of a good, decently priced airline for this trip? You know, one where you aren’t REALLY smashed in like sardines on an overbooked flight with no food or drinks? Basically, what have been your best “Flyin to Hawaii” experiences?
Thanks guys!