Best boat/ship names

Spiny Norman and I were kayaking in Marina del Rey when we saw a sailboat named Fred. We agreed that “Fred” was an excellent name for a vessel. But this one is pretty good too. :slight_smile: (I’ll wager I can guess the owner’s surname. :wink: )

A friend’s (grotesquely wealthy) father had a yacht (possibly a long sailboat?) which sustained some serious storm damage. The rear end needed such intensive repairing that he opted to extend the boat’s length and expand the “party deck” a few more feet while he was at it. With the change in length and shape, he had to re-register the boat.

He decided to call her Callipygous.

Mr. Burns’ yacht on The Simpsons:

Gone Fission’

The “born loser” from the comic strips boat is named:

Never again 2

Seen (not by me) on a go-fast cigarette-style boat:
“My Dixie Wrecked” (hint: say it out loud, but quietly)

On a 26ft SeaRay (owned by a friend, had dreadful history of mech probs):
“Little Ship of Horrors”

My boat (several boats ago):
“Ode’ to the Bank” (I eventually paid it off)

The coolest bar name that I’ve ever come across is My Honey Fitz. Apparently, it has been shortened to Honey Fitz. For a different reason, JFK also used Honey Fitz when renaming the presidential yacht. So, if you grow up in the Boston area, Honey Fitz is a very cool name.

Here’s the story of both:

Classic film funnyman Buster Keaton’s boats, on screen and in real life, were called Damfino. As in, “What’s your boat’s name?” “Damfino,” shrugging.

My first sailboat’s name, Louise, came from a Popeye cartoon. Bluto did nasty things to Popeye in a barber’s chair while singing Every Little Breeze Seems To Whisper Louise in a delightfully cheesy Maurice Chevalier voice. Louise is my wife’s middle name, too.

My fishing boat’s name, Natasha, came because of her color scheme. I had a red-over-silver truck named Boris, (for Boris Yeltsin) and when I bought a boat that matched the paint, I had to go for Boris Badenov’s squeeze, Natasha.

Well this week of kayaking has brought me: Didyabringyabeeralong, Caversham Queen (anyone who has been to Caversham would be cracked up by this) and finally Gleam, a decrepit, half sunk, dirty hulk which does anything but gleam I always thought the Spanish Fly from Pyranha had quite a funny name.

Can’t forget Monkey Business, the yacht where Gary Hart’s presidential aspirations came to a crashing halt.

In WW2 there was a bomber pilot who went through an unnatural number of planes, mostly in the line of duty. He called them all “Hang the expense.”

A friend of mine named his boat “Elvis” based on a Mojo Nixon lyric “Elvis needs boats.”

I used to work at a shop that printed a local yacht club’s newsletters. A consistent race winner was called Yellow, Nonskid.

Don’t forget the SS More Powerful Than Superman, Spiderman, Batman, And The Incredible Hulk Combined.

I’m charmed by the name of Ned Flanders’ boat: Thanks for the Boat, Lord II.

There’s a J24 at Jabin’s Yacht Center in Annapolis called Dead and Bloated - dunno if it’s a best name, but it’s memorable.

We knew a doctor at NAS Jacksonville who named his boat Surgery - as in “I’m sorry, the doctor is in surgery now.” Similarly, the motoryacht called Conference, which I always assumed was owned by a businessman.

Wet Dream.

In addition to Campbell’s Sloup, linked in the OP, I saw another boat with a memorable name last weekend last weekend. It was a pale-yellow runabout named Urine Luck.

I’m going to stretch this a little bit, but I read a book with a ship called Lady MacBeth. It was sci-fi and it was a spaceship, but goddammit it’s close enough. I still think that’s a cool f*ckin’ name. :slight_smile:

I don’t know that it’s a *great * name for a boat, but I can distinctly recall seeing at least three **Mostly Marthas ** in my lifetime.

My boat was named Corsair after the fighter plane my father flew in WW2. It also means “pirate”.

Several years ago I delivered a brand-new sailboat for the owner of a topless bar. He named the boat Nookie. I used my own boat’s name when I made radio calls. :rolleyes:

Cirrhosis of the River