Best Movie Kisses

A post-Valentine’s Day thread, inspired by an MSN listing of the movie kisses they thought were sexiest (

Some of their favorites I liked a lot too (“Brokeback Mountain”), but they missed some obvious all time greats (the clinch/kiss in “Witness”)

What do y’all think?

I don’t seem to get that page when I click.
Nevertheless, one of the All-TimeGreat Movie Kisses has to be at the end of The Priness Bride
After all, they tell me that it’s one of the all-time greatest kisses, right?

Whoops - I guess that link no longer works. Anyway, here’s the sexiest movie kisses that MSN listed: ones from “Spiderman”, “Brokeback”, “It’s A Wonderful Life”, “Vertigo”, “Notorious”, “Lost in Translation”, “Mulholland Drive”, and “Some Like it Hot”.

For what it’s worth, I didn’t find any kiss in “Lost in Translation” to be sexy.

Absurd choices, reflecting the writer’s familiarity with only newer films.

Howsabout that lovingly photographed (and lovingly restored, a few years back) kiss between Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window? Or Bogie and Ingrid Bergman in Casablanca? Or Rhett and Scarelett in Gone With the Wind?

Heck, Edison’s 1896 The Kiss deserves a place of honor as a first. It was apparently immensely popular (for a 20 second movie) when it came out:

Some that come to mind (no luck with the link either):

From Here To Eternity
Rebel Without A Cause
On The Waterfront
Thomas Crown Affiar (Dunaway-McQueen version)
The Getaway (McQueen again)
Vertigo (already mentioned, but I saw it just the other night and it ain’t all that hot after all)
Godfather II (Pacino and Casale – Michael and Fredo)

Notorious, It’s a Wonderful Life, Vertigo and Some Like It Hot are “newer films”?

I will, however, second your nomination of the first Stewart/Kelly kiss in Rear Window. If I were stuck watching 60 seconds of film over and over again for the rest of my life, Grace Kelly’s entrance in that film would be my choice.

How about Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr in From Here to Eternity?

What about Susan Sarandon & Catherine Deneauve in the Hunger? (It’s about the only reason to bother checking out this dated, campy schlockfest.)

And Sean Connery with Ursula Andress /Daniela Bianchi /Honor Blackman /Claudine Auger /either of the two Japanese spy-babes in “Dr. No /From Russia, With Love /Goldfinger /Thunderball /You Only Live Twice?”

Or even George Lazenby & Diana Rigg in “On Her Majesties’ Secret Service?” (I never found the Roger Moore flicks all that sexy IMO.)

The ending of Cinema Paradiso.

'nuff said.

When I was a senior in high school, my literature teacher had us watch First Knight. After the movie was over, all the girls said they wanted to see the kiss between Richard Gere and Julia Ormond again. They loved it just as much as, if not more than, the first time they saw it.

Well that’s grounds for dismissal right there!

Amelie, when she kisses him three times and he just stands there.

Gregory Peck and Ingrid Bergman in Spellbound. They look so cute in their jammies, and when they kiss… all the symbolic doors fly open. That scene and the Dali-designed dream are the reasons I watch this film.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Ewan McGregor in Velvet Goldmine. Excessively hot. That kiss, and the Ken doll scene shortly before, were what put this movie on my Must Have list.