greenslime1951 made a dubious claim which Ibn Warraq asked 4 times to back up without success. Then things got meta. tomndebb moderates:
Ok. Let’s take it as given that tomndebb wears jackboots and watches cat videos on Youtube. What I’m trying to work out are best practices: I mean surely there are constructive ways to correct an obstinate poster, right?
What I think the right thing to do is to repeat the questions until they refuse or you reach the 5th repetition. Then make the best interpretation of the situation that you can. Try to step back and not personalize the argument.
I am puzzled that Poster X has refused to elaborate on what Arab countries he believes are Islamic Republicans (other that Saudi Arabia or Sudan). I’m afraid I really can’t evaluate his argument, though I can speculate that it is grounded on information-poor sourcing. I think it would be hard to claim that Jordan or Egypt are, “theocracies that profess Islam as their guiding light” for example. Looks like I failed in not personalizing it.
Now if I were in Ibn’s shoes, I’d simply try not to be a dick: but that advice is situational, vague and not especially helpful. Heck, I’m not sure I’d do any better.
2. It seems to me that in-thread harrassment as defined by tomndebb above would be acceptable in the pit. Or am I mistaken?
Again. I’m asking about best practices. To be clear I’m not happy with my attempt. That’s why I’m posting this thread. If you want to bitch about moderator moderating, start another thread and have at it.
…but my guiding star here is “Fighting ignorance.” Sometimes ignorance deserves a good smacking.