Best prank you pulled at high school

I don’t know who painted all the lock faces white so you couldn’t see the numbers on the dials, but if I ever meet him, I think I’ll shake his hand…

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :D:D :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

A funny thing happened once my freshman year, there was this kid on the hall who was a total ass, and my friends and I used to do our best to make his life a living hell. One night we staggered in at 3 in the morning, and the RA was trying to get this kid into his room since someone had superglued his lock. The RA obviously thought we had done it and were hiding in our rooms, I will never forget the look on his face when we came in and it was obvious that we hadn’t done it because we had been out for a loooong time. Never did figure out who was responsible…

God damn it! It did NOT look like that on preview! Mods, a little help please?

My history teacher had a series of rather boring videos which he showed in class, usually when he hadn’t got round to preparing a “proper” lesson. They were kept in his supply cupboard; not to thrilled at the prospect of sitting through another one, myself and a friend snuck in and took one. Back at my house that evening, we linked up two VCRs and taped hardcore pornography over it, before returning it the next morning.

The next history lesson was fun, to say the least. Our teacher became rather flustered when he saw the T&A flash up on screen, and demanded to know who had been tampering with his educational resources. We kept tight-lipped about the whole incident throughout, and never did get found out.

There was also the time when we locked the English teacher in her supply cupboard, and deserted the classroom when the bell rang. Apparently, she was stuck there for an hour, and only released when her next class turned up for lessons after lunch.

This really isn’t THAT big of a deal, but thinking of it still makes me giggle a lot.

I had a teacher in high school who never paid any attention to the students. She kept her head down looking at the screen to the over-head projecter all day. That’s really all she did.

Anyway, a girl in my class tied tampons to paperclips and hung them from the ceiling. I think they were hanging for about 3 or 4 weeks before my teacher noticed them.

hee hee

For christ sake get a grip man, this is a nice way for people to remember the more slapstick part of high school life…

My best and only prank was filling out a survey under a my official pseudonym. I also wrote the birthdate as February 31, 1986. Funniness.

I’ve pulled off fraud on a major project once or twice.

Is that any better?

Mine was an April Fool’s joke my freshman year (1993). For years, I had wore a Casio Trigraph digital watch, which has 5 nifty programmable alarms. Nerd that I was, I just had to use them for something, so I programmed them to go off a minute before the bell in each of my classes. My whole cohort of honors-level classmates came to depend on it to know when to get their crap together and be ready for the 5-minute dash to their next class across the HUGE outdoor campus. They were conditioned, Pavlov-style. The teachers, too came to depend on my reliable little bee-deep…bee-deep… to know when to wrap their lessons up and release the class.

Mr. Clark, my genial algebra instructor was the mark I chose, mostly because of his absent-mindedness. Instead of the usual 60 second before the bell, I set my watch for 30 minutes before the bell. He talked and talked, and about 20 minutes into class, my alarm goes off, he wraps up, and every goes for their gear. Usually, the sound of the bell was lost in the cacaphony of backpack zippers and book thuds, and so the whole class simply left, not noticing that the bell hadn’t sounded.

I’m just lucky he had a good sense of humor.

This wasn’t really meant as a prank, but it kinda turned into one. In my AP European History class we had been studying Russian history, including the false but popular rumor about how Catherine the Great died. (She was supposedly killed while in flagrante delicto with a horse.) One morning a couple weeks later, the teacher Mrs. Mogen was a few minutes late to class. My friend Alpay, the picture of innocence, asked a girl in the class who could draw to draw a picture of a horse on the blackboard. When she was done, Alpay went up and filled in the drawing by adding Catherine to the horse’s underside. We then all sat patiently, waiting for Mrs. Mogen, who we knew would get a great laugh out of this.

Anyway, she finally shows up with another woman in tow. It was January 16, 1991, the day after the start of the (first) Gulf War, and a reporter for the newspaper had come to get our thoughts on the attack. (We were one of only 2 AP European History classes in the city, so we were presumed, whether correctly or no, to be amongst the smartest and most politically well-informed teenagers around.)

So we’re sitting there, trying desperately to focus on the reporter’s questions, but ultimately unable to answer them because it took all we could muster to keep from bursting out in laughter. The reporter was very perplexed that we had nothing to say. Mrs. Mogen knew us well enough to figure out that something was going on, but she didn’t know what. Then, she happened to glance at the board. “Oh!” she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice but then, in the 1/2 second it took for the reporter to turn around, she grabbed an eraser and wiped out the drawing! When the reporter asked what happened, Mrs. Mogen’s reply was “Oh nothing!”

stonishingly, there was no story the next day on high-school kids’ reaction to the war.
