Best senior pranks?

This is pretty lightweight but I enjoyed it.

I was in the AV club— I will wait for the laughing to stop.

So I had access to the schools equipment and the knowledge of how the schools PA system was set up.

So I made some cassette tapes borrowed an amp we would use for football games and basically back fed the PA system.

Three Fridays in a row My timer would start the tape player and turn on the amp I could only get about 90 minutes of music on a tape but it was fun for that time as it was loud enough you could not teach over it and at the office end they could do nothing to stop it.

Short of turning all the power off they would have had to find the equipment which I had hidden in the ceiling of the auditorium.

*Originally posted by hajario *
**I am fairly sure the jello thing isn’t possible either. Probably an urban legend.

I am skeptical of this one too:

Back in 1967 or so, the dad of one of my brother’s friends ran a construction company. Another guy’s dad ran a junkyard. The first guy “borrowed” a cherry picker from his dad and the second guy got a bunch of used tires. The school district had to cut the flagpole down the next day to get the tires off.

Would you rather cut up one pole or scores of tires?

I would rather cut scores of tires than cut one pole, buy a new pole and then sink that new pole in concrete.


If the pole was obscured by a large stack of tyres, how would you cut it down?

My high school senior class was fairly united in only one thing: loathing the school.

On the last day of classes we (about 80% of us) brought in cheap alarm clocks. We set them all to go off at the same time, then put them in our lockers.

It was a cavernous building, with looooong hallways lined with the metal lockers. It made The Echo Chamber From Hell when all those alarms started going off.

It was a beautiful thing.

Of course they searched our lockers, with threats of not letting anyone found with a clock to graduate. The putzes* ran out of steam when they realized they’d have to hold back just about the entire class, including the Honor Society and Student Senate.

  • The school administrators; some of the teachers were fine and had suffered under these idiots worse than anybody. We found out later some of them thought it was hilarious.


Pool togeather a large quantity of quarters and superglue them all to the floor after school one day.

Somewhere on the net there is a Quicktime file called aaron’s senior prank that shows kids filling thier school office with packing peanuts, its pretty good.

The class before mine put the 7 foot tall gold fiberglass viking on the gym roof.

My class didn’t do anything, except for the few dumbasses that broke in and set of fire extinguishers and poured motor oil on the floor.

I don’t think that our school had an official senior prank. I, however, had a fun one…

…my junior year of high school, our school’s computer system had just about no real security. They hadn’t yet switched to the eeeevvviiiillll proxy system from Heck, the teachers’ password was well known, and the computers could access the admin mode really freaking easily. I mean, hell, I don’t know jack about computers, and I could do just 'bout anything I wanted to with 'em.

Anyways, because of the weird way they used to have things set up, the user settings–or preferences, or something; like I said, I’m not a computer whiz, just a curious little chickie–for the internet browser (which was, of course, ancient) were stored somewhere other than the individual computer. I found out that you could change them with relatively minimal effort.

I knew I had to do something with this.

I got a free webpage, and set it up as a mirror of my highschool’s homepage, with one difference: a Javascript thing I’d gotten from this one book. The script basically made the computer start calculating Fibonacci (or however it’s spelled) numbers forever. Then, I set it as the homepage for both the Teacher and the Student user things.

Our crappy computers already freaked when using Java–this about killed them. It didn’t do any permanent damage, and it was fixed pretty quick–it’s not as though I’d done anything too complicated. But it surely annoyed a whole lot of people.

Yeah, I know. I’m pathetic.

I just remembered a mid-term exam pran this year.

I distracted one of the APs by being chewed out after school for having a CD player and headphones while the same guys stole a fire extuingisher. It’s still at one guy’s house.

another one -

when I was a junior, a guy from the class above showed up to school right before the morning break started and dumped a whole gallon of canola oil all over the floor of a super high traffic area - the student body managed to track oil into just about every damned room in the school. I heard he later got caught and was forced to put up for the bill to have the whole school’s carpets cleaned.

My father pulled one in his college dormatory where he and a ton of friends actually picked up a small car (might have been stripped down though, not sure) and carried it to the top floor of is dormatory.

MIT hacks.

Funny, funny stuff.

I swallowed a goldfish once. What? I really did.

One of the best I’ve ever heard of was perpetrated by a friend of mine in high school.

His school’s senior-locker hallway featured a large depression where the hall ramped down and then ramped up again a bit later; the Dip, as it was known, had no clear explanation nor any clear purpose, but it was a school landmark. My friend and the school’s other senior theater technicians snuck in one night, armed with boards and linoleum, and seamlessly covered the Dip over.

The best part about it? The entire senior class, along with the faculty and administration, was in on the prank and cheerfully informed those underclassmen that asked what happened to the Dip that there never had been such a thing – what the hell were they talking about? Why would there be a dip in the senior hallway, anyway? One can only imagine the effects on easily-influenced freshmen.

English. We had to memorize a poem and recite it in front of the whole class. Teacher included in the listening. With a stroke of sheer brilliance yours truly writes in pen and ink the entire poem on the palms of his hands. It was a Robert Frost poem, for those who are interested; something about a wood and “it was just as the light was beginning to [something]”. Why did I write out the poem on my hands? For a laugh, of course. It greatly amused my friends. And I myself chuckled at my own genius. Boy, it was sure to be a riot today, I thought. “I’d show it to Mrs. Teacherlan” whom I had friendly jabbing contests with on several occasions and looking back was one of my favorite teachers.

I recite the poem - beautifully, and keeping my hands on my pockets through the length of it, I might add - but when I finish several classmates exclaim “Look at his hands!” Great, thinks I.

The teacher - Mrs. Teacherlan - remains silent the entire time until I sit down again at my desk. She stands up and says “Blackeyes let me look at your hands.”

“Why, certainly, Mrs. Teacherlan. However, I don’t see what you might hope… to find… [I begin to desperately lick my palms] on my… hands.”

I licked my palms feverishly for four seconds before Mrs. Teacherlan grabs them, inspects them, and gives them back. “Zero. Cheating”. Ouch, I thought.

But all was not lost, you see. For I still managed to pass the grading period; albeit a high C/low B but still passing with a not too bad grade considering the circumstances. And we all had a laugh over it and I got the negative attention I so desperately craved at the time. But oh, I had my comeback.

Later that year we have another poetry recitation. Shakespeare, in fact. Oh, how I plotted and schemed and schemed and planned and plotted for this chance at revenge. I would have it, I assure you. I spend most of the night before plotting revenge. I thought maybe she had forgotten the last episode by now; but I wasn’t going to let her. Hehehe.

I unattentively listen to some of my classmates stand in front and mumble through. I can feel my turn coming up; it’s time to prepare for my Moment. I searched my mind to create this idea weeks in advance and it was time to put it into action. So I grab a…

pen. And I write on the palms of my hands again. The script is barely finished before Teacherlan calls on me. I rise. I stand and deliver.

I was eloquent, peaceful, and charming. I grew a smirk on my face which only grew bigger. Because everyone in the class could sense it; could sense something momentous was about to happen. Many of them knew of my secret plan to dare do the same act again. The teacher even knew it. The air was so thick with tension and anxiety and expectation and foreshadowing and teenage hormones you could choke to death on it. My smirk was wonderful, even behind hip teenager braces. I paused at the end for dramatic effect, said my last lines, and subsequently finished my soliloquoy. Drama ensues.

Blackeyes, let me see your hands. Again.”
“Oh, okay. Sure. Whatever.”

I show her my hands - covered in ink - and she gives one look at them and proclaims to the Land and God above What An Idiot I Am.

“Hahaha snort snort (Yes, I said “snortsnort”). Joke’s on YOU. Look at my hands one more time!”

She does. And Lo and Behold upon my hands were written 500 times a simple proverb:

I am a fish.
It was like freakin’ poetry, man.

Words cannot describe it.
We all had a good laugh about it later, even Mrs. Teacherlan. Because in the end she had the last laugh.

I nightmarishly bombed the poem the second time. :smack:

Wow, vandalism and theft sure are funny.

Someone at Villanova broadcast porn over the campus TV system. The article doesn’t have my favorite part of the story, though, which is mentioned in another news story by Paul Kurtz:

This is the first time I’ve ever admitted to being a part of this.

My high school was a big rectangle with a pastoral courtyard in the middle of it complete with a pond. It had long been off-limits to students.

Toward the end of our senior year, me and a few of my buddies got these blow-up dolls and dressed one as a man wearing an ascot and the other in a sexy dress. We then pasted huge pictures of the faces of our male principal and our male class dean onto the heads of the dolls. The pictures of their faces were ridiculously large and in retrospect made the figures look a little like bobbleheads. We then arranged the dolls in a loving embrace and put them in an inflatable raft. We snuck into the courtyard very early one morning and floated the lovers off onto the pond.

We were kind of worried that it wouldn’t look as good as we were hoping but it looked absolutely brilliant, even better than we imagined. You could make out the faces really well even from the 3rd floor and somehow the raft just stayed floating in the middle of the pond. It was THE talk of the school.

Before the end of 1st period the building service guys had to come out with those long poles they used to change lightbulbs in the gym to fish the raft ashore. The best was that all their poking at the raft rearranged the dolls so that one ended up lying right on top of the other. People later told me that their teachers stopped class so that everyone could watch the raft being retrieved and that everyone was just dying laughing.

It was one of my proudest moments and denying that I had anything to do with it was just as much fun as doing it. Everyone suspected this one crazy guy and it was really funny because he didn’t deny it and sort of let on that he did do it. Spectacular!

Senior pranks were a big thing at my high school.

Most were fairly standard, and versions have already been mentioned in previous posts, including cooking oil in the hallways and splicing a tape player into the PA system.

I was fairly proud of my own senior prank. It wasn’t too destructive or dangerous, just annoying.

All of the telephones back then were the traditional old telephones with mouthpieces that screwed off. Inside the mouthpiece were transducers that popped out. One could then rescrew the mouthpiece back on.

Early one morning (~5:00 am) a friend and I got into the main administration offices and removed every mouthpiece we could find. We then put them all in a bag and stashed the bag in a filing cabinet.

Two hours later, parents started calling in for kid’s absences…

Ring, ring
“Hello, [deleted] High School Admission Office.”
(Person calling hears nothing.)

Hilarity ensued. :smiley:

We eventually called the school from a pay phone and told them where to find the missing parts.

The best prank I’ve ever heard of happened at my alma mater, Rice University, during my sophomore year:

The full story may be found here (near the bottom):

Here is an excerpt:

Here’s my personal involvement with the prank:

That Tuesday morning, I walked within 10 feet of Willy’s statue as I trudged to CENG 302 (Chemical Engineering Separations), taught by Dr. Derek Dyson. I noticed the people milling about, but was half-asleep and never looked up.

When I got to class, however, Dr. Dyson wasn’t discussing separations. He was excitedly drawing plans of A-frames that had been apparently been built by his son! Class ended with a field trip back to Willy’s statue. :slight_smile:

I later bought a T-shirt to help Patrick pay the fine.