Best smelling cologne - a poll for the ladies

Ugh. Let’s pretend that I know the difference between “your” and “you’re,” shall we?

::Looks at Uncle Beer. Winces.
Dumps $2.99 (sale at Walmart) quart bottle of Jungle Heat Musk Cologne And De-Icer right ontoppa KKBattousai’s head.::

Good luck with the love life, Stinky. I’m gonna go arbitrarily lock some threads. The things ya gotta do around here for a little respect.

::shuffles off muttering::


[sub]note to self…buy something call Hugo…[/sub]

Halston z-14,
Fino by Davidoff
Jovan sex appeal for men

All of these scents put me in heat, especially Fino. mmmmmmmm 'nuff said.