I just can’t seem to find a freakin’ decent radio station here in Whorlando. Even the ones that play modern rock only play the same stupid crap day in, day out.
Then I got to thinking, if there WAS a decent radio station, what would be the ideal mix of music for modern rock (you know what i mean, alternative, punk, postpunk, whatever. like pornography, you know it when you see it.)
In my opinion, the mix should be:
10% Old hits (from the 70s to last year)
10% new hits (i.e. the crap the current stations play all the time)
20% other new stuff. but only play these songs once a week at most. and only play the new hits once a day at most.
60% weird stuff I wouldnt hear anywhere else.
I mean, once you have played the same stupid song for the 20th time in a day, if i REALLY liked the song i’d go out and buy it! (oh, and by the way the ONLY songs in the past two years that were played constantly and i still managed to like were Minority and Voodoo.)
Okay, yes i know there are websites out there with okay music, after all, i have tuned into WICB (in Ithaca College)'s website, but alas, I only have a dialup connection, and quality, is far too choppy to get a good experience
Speaking of which, i remember having a professor talking about how she dreaded her first day at college cause her parents told her horror stories about hippies.
“sure enough, the people across the hall in the dorm were hippies. the first week i was scared stiff of them. the second week i was partying with them. by the end of the third week i WAS one of them.”
flash forward to the postmodern era. Originally, I set my alarm to WICB to wake me up for class at Cornell because the music was really annoying, the better to wake up to. By the end of the third week, i was staying awake in bed listening to it