Best super-hero role model

Because I’m really, really bored. Poll in a moment.

Spider-man. If only because he represents a* mostly *well-balanced view of the world mentally speaking. Superman and Captain America are far too one dimensional, Batman is insane, as is Storm. The Flash and Iron man are both jerks, and Grimm is usually portrayed as rather violent and a case could be made for depressed or bi-polar.

Cap… hands down.


Giant-Size Man-Thing.

Captain America is Spider-Man’s role model.

How the heck is STORM insane?

IIRC she’s really socially responsible…but crazy about it, like shoot (strike?) first ask questions later wipe out an entire row of people crazy
I picked Spidey because he has a moral compass with what he does and his situation is the most relatable to the general public, he seems to be the most real

True dat.

True, but Cap and Spidey live in a super-hero universe. We don’t. I was wondering what super-hero characters are thought to be most appropriate role models for persons for the real world.

3 people voted for Superman?

I voted for Barry Allen. Who said he’s a jerk? Them’s fighting words. He’s the man that never hesitates to put himself between the innocents and harm’s way. And he’s a man that even if he did hesitate, who would know? Anyway, we know Superman’s a dick, Batman’s a big jerk and crazy to boot. They get the job done, usually, but they are not great guys to hang out with.
Captain America has many good points, but we don’t really know who he was before he took that ‘Super-Soldier’ formula. Anyway, Cap is my second choice.

Superman, clearly. But I still want pie.

The choice was for the Barry Allen Flash, who was the closest thing to a saint DC had. I believe I would have liked to hang out with him and Iris, have a nice dinner and maybe play some bridge or Pictionary.

But aside from that, Cap is the man to emulate.

(and ho is “Baman”?)

Superman, although Captain America comes a close second.

He was the guy who volunteered to take the ‘Super-Soldier’ formula, same way he would’ve thrown himself on a grenade to save others: anything to help the war effort.

It’s that vote for Batman that worries me.

Superman? The guy who set himself up in a love triangle between Lois, himself, and his alter ego? That guy? But let’s put that aside and look at how this guy operates. He doesn’t solve problems by out thinking his opponent, or doing research, or even working especially hard. He solves problems by punching. He’s not especially smart, or rich, or clever. He’s just a big muscular guy in go go boots whose solution to everything is to punch it in the face. It’s all he knows how to do.

That’s not a role model.

Another vote for Cap. He’s pretty much the poster boy for AD&D’s Lawful Good/Paladin type.

Leaving aside the love triangle thing – which hasn’t been an element in the comics in forever and a day – you have clearly never read a Superman comic, or not in ages. Supes is always solving problems by thinking.