Best time to visit NYC and Washington D.C. ?

My partner and I are thinking of visting New York City and Washington D.C. next year round about March/April. It seems to me that the weather won’t be too hot and we will also avoid most of the summer tourists. Is this a good time to visit? If not, why not and what would be a better time to visit these two cities?

I can’t speak for New York, but for DC you really want to time it for the Cherry Blossom Festival, from March 28 to May 11 next year. It looks unworldly in a concentration of those trees.

DC was built on a swamp, and every summer we are reminded what a suck-o idea that was. Winters are no bargain either. Come in the spring or fall.

New York is fine to visit anytime of the year other than August. While Washington D.C. is swampy in August, New York is just way too hot. The pavement starts to bubble.

Spring in NY is fine. December in New York is great for visitors. Fifth Avenue looks very nice all tarted up with Chrismas lights.

March or April is good but the evenings can still be quite chilly. I happen to like 80-90 degree weather and don’t mind a little humidity so I’d say just avoid August. I haven’t been keeping track but it seems like we’ve barely had a dozen days over 90 this year.

In the mean time here’s a thread about suggested vacation activities and even though it centers around July 4th, it has a lot of good general info.

How perfectly awful for you! :smiley:

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Off to IMHO.

DrMatrix - GQ Moderator

March/April is definitely a good time in DC, though I would suggest avoiding the week before or after Easter. Most schools will be on spring break during at least one of those weeks, which means loads of tourists with children will be in town. Of course, if you have kids, this may be ideal for you.

My main tip: bring your rain gear! DC often has sudden rainstorms in the spring and summer.