Best Used-Bookstore Score Ever

I have spent the last week in lockdown at the national sales meeting in Williamsburg, VA (at which I got little-to-no time to actually look at the colonial area across the street). Yesterday morning was departure, so a friend and I took the hour or so we had free to go find souveniers for our wives and daughters and went to the tchochkie district to shop.

We stepped into a used bookstore, and on a shelf I found the ultimate geek ubertreasure. It is a small volume of poetry, published by Blue Mountain Press in 1976, and edited by (shudder) Susan Polis Schutz. It contains such deep and profound thoughts as:

You fill me
With your love

You fill me
With your caring

You fill me
With your thoughts

You fill me
With your sharing

The title of this slim collection, purchased at the amazing price of three bucks, is We Are All Children Searching For Love, and the poet (who should be named laureate of some small island somewhere that produces commemorative stamps and coins) is none other than Leonard Nimoy.

My only comment at the time, and now, is that he excels as a poet to the extent he excels as a singer.

Hey, are you dissing the man who wrote the epic “Ballad of Bilbo Baggins”? For shame…

There used to be a great used bookstore here in Arlington, it was in a two-story house that appeared to have been built around WWII. Sadly, it was bulldozed within the past year and replaced with a (still-vacant) minimall.

Congrats on the find, stofsky! Sounds as collectible, yet aesthetically painful as my album Both Sides of the Moon, by Keith Moon. He’s as good a singer as Nimoy is.

I’ve found some great stuff in used bookstores. There’s a bookstore in Chapel Hill, NC where I got first-edition paperback versions of the first two Foundation books and a signed UK printing of Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

Another store had a signed volume of plays by Alestair Crowley, but it was pretty damned expensive, and I couldn’t get it. :frowning: