Best/Worst Things to Hurl

Ugh! I thought this was going to be a question about the best/worst objects to throw at my husband/boyfriend/SO recommendations.

I was going to vote for “washer/dryer combo”.

My worst hurl would have to be after a night of drinking and feeling the after effects, I took four panadol (paracetamol headache tablets) and they came back up about 5 minuts later, just long enough for them to liquify and coat the inside of my throat and mouth. I tell you, I’d rather slurp a bucket of bile than upchuck that shit again.

Best would have to be ice cream. Cold and sweet, even on the way up :slight_smile:

Hey, yeah, me too. It came up like seltzer, and there was nothing in my stomach nastier than water, so the whole thing was relatively pleasant, but, uh… under pressure. Came off more like a spit-take than regurgitation. (At the time, I had about 20 Deadheads laid out on my floor after a Phish show.) Good times. :wink:

(That night/morning gave new meaning to the phrase “Watch out for that third rail.”)

Nastiest thing ever was some of my father’s moonshine, before he had the bugs worked out of the process. Come to think of it, that was the nastiest thing I ever swallowed, too. The brief sojourn it spent in my guts may have actually mellowed it somewhat.

Funny…I’ve puked up Pepto Bismol and thats the reason I will never take it again. The taste with my stomach acid made me never forget that experience. Plus it was pink vomit.
But anyways.
Worst- Goldschlager. Still cinnamony burns on the way up. Gold flakes still are visible too.
Best- I guess I’d have to say water. I don’t exactly like throwing up, but if I had to choose, it’d be water.


Best: Like others have said, water. I once drank a litre or so of water on an empty stomach and had it immediately come back up. It was… refreshing. Having almost-pure water gushing out of my mouth felt kinda like drinking. Only in reverse.

1/ Pepper steak. I should really chew my food more, if only to stop it getting stuck in my nose on the way up. Enough said.

2/ That icky green bile you’re left with after all the real food has been expelled. Nasty, nasty.

The worst one that I’m willing to talk about is probably the time I decided I wasn’t going to vomit no matter what and ended up expelling a pint or two of vodka, bile, and gastric juices through my nose. This happened in a drainage ditch in the middle of winter, so the environment added a little something special to the experience.

HA! I was thinking the same thing when I clicked on this thread. Good thing I actually read a little bit before posting, since I was going to vote: “feces…and feces.”

But if I have to hurl anything besides feces, monkey fashion, I suppose the “best” thing I’ve hurled back into the world from inside myself would have to be strawberries. Barfing isn’t pleasant, but at least in that instance, it didn’t taste bad. I still wouldn’t do it again if I had a choice though, so everything else falls into the category of relatively worst.

Best: Water; but seriously, ‘Best’ is always going to be the lesser of evils when it comes to throwing up. Throwing up is unpleasant :frowning:

Worst: Salsa. I got food poisioning at a restaurant then later that day ate chips + salsa during the Super Bowl. The Salsa had bits of jalapenos in it which were still present when I was vomiting torrents of the stuff in the toilet not long after. The worst part was some of the jalapeno bits got stuck int eh back of my throat, creating this horrible, half-choking sensation.

Oh My! This is funny stuff!

Best: Yeah Right

Worst: The first, and only time I drank Jack Daniels. I had a major sweet tooth, and had just finished eating one (two) of those king size candy bars on the way to this party. Some guy hands me a shot of Jack and I down it. Two flavors that DO NOT go well together, chocolate and Jack. The smell of that combination, it was bad, very bad, ran through the whole house. Burned like hell coming out the nose too. Left a taste in your mouth sure to make you puke again.

I don’t know if this is Best or Worst…but did you know that Spaghettios taste exactly the same coming up as they did going down? Even a few hours later! It’s quite a wonder food, it is.

Best: Ice cream sundae. Butterscotch ain’t bad on the backflow.

Worst: Habanero salsa. Especially via the sinuses.

Worst: Dr. Pepper, mixed with stomach acid. Burns everything on the way up.

Best (I guess): Grape juice. Messy, but not painful.

I brought up Goldschlager once, but it was mixed with Mexican food and waaay too much beer. Not fun, but not the worst.

I was in Norfolk visiting Ultress and another friend Melissa. The night before, Ultress had poured many many long island ice teas into me to celebrate our meeting.

The next day I woke up with some kind of flu :wink: and man I was sick. A friend of ours was taking us for a tour on the USS Enterprise which I had been quite excited about.

I hurled big time before we left the hotel. We had Jason pull over once on the way so I could get sick and when we parked to go to the ship, I really really hurled. By this time all that was left was bile, that icky sticky yellow gross smelling stuff.

Melissa apparently had never seen bile before. As she was holding my hair back, she was freaking out saying, “OMG guys we have to take her to the hospital, she’s puking yellow, she really is sick”

I laughed like crazy when I was feeling better. She said she had never ever seen it before and she was 30.

On a side note. There are not enough potties on the deck of the ship. I’m proud to say I honoured the waters when I hurled one last time over the side of it.

My Worst has to be premium vanilla ice cream. Not only was the taste absolutely awful (I could still taste it the next day), but the force required to get it up splattered it all over the bathroom floor and walls, and left me feeling like I’d given birth to alien.

I still can’t eat that brand and flavor.

WHY do I read these things?

BTW the worse is cilantro.

Just had to say this. Last night I went to Hooters & had about 15 wings & a few glasses of beer. When I got home, I came down with a bad cough so I took some prescription cough medicine. Thinking it may be due to allergies, I also popped a Benadryl.

Fast forward to 2am. I woke up with my stomach doing cartwheels. Apparently I hadn’t chosen the best combo of food & meds. I’m happy to say I never hurled, but all I could think about until I fell back asleep was this damn thread! My tummy would just start to settle & I’d suddenly remember someone describing what it was like to puke up Pepto Bismol or tuna fish or whatever.


Best: Raw oysters and Jack Daniels. They slid up just as easy as they slid down.

Worst: Lil Smokies. Projectile vomiting. What made it the worst I was at work and I could not leave. I was driving a van pool and my back up driver didn’t go to work that day. For a while, death would have been an acceptable alternative.

I can’t believe I came back here.

Wanted to mention:

Lime Slurpee – What a spectacle. Flourescent, even.
(I’m above ingesting something like that, but I’ve seen it come up. Lordy.)

Oh, bananas get my vote as best. I only threw up twice while pregnant (despite being nauseous for 18 weeks) and both times it was after eating bananas. They’re sort of slimy and slippery so they come up smoothly, and they don’t have much of a taste.

I will note that I stopped eating bananas for the rest of the early part of pregnancy. They might be the “best” thing to throw up, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to keep doing it.

Worst: Wild Turkey, Coke and stomach acid are insideous enough of a mixture to etch concrete. I was trying to throw up on the house next door under construction but the first salvo landed on our front door stoop. The next day as I tried to reconstruct events, I saw my splat and tried to scrub it off but it had etched off the top veneer of cement! Weeks later my wife (then girlfriend) and I were coming in from church and she said “What in the world happened here?”
Me: “I dunno.”

Best: Mashed potatos. It’s like you’ve got one of those non-lethal weapons that covers an assailant with a debilatating thick mush. Makes you feel like some kind of a superhero.