Bestseller "God's Politics"

The book’s content would surely be a GD topic, but that’s not what I wanted to ask about. I saw the author of “God’s Politics,” Jim Wallis, on the Daily Show, and he seemed like an interesting guy.

For those of you who haven’t heard of the book, here’s the New York Times review:

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had read the book and if they thought it was interesting and worth reading.

I haven’t read his latest book, but I’ve read columns by Wallis for many years. He’s the kind of left-leaning Christian that liberal journalists like to quote when they’re looking to take down religious conservatives a peg.

If you’re both a devout Christian and a die-hard liberal, Wallis will suit you perfectly. If you’re not both, I think you’ll find more than a few pages of his work rather tedious, repetitious and annoying.

He’s not someone who’ll win converts to either Christ or to the Democratic party. But for those who are already devoted to both, he provides semi-entertaining support.