Better Call Saul Episodes 1 and 2

I felt so badly for Saul in the opening sequence. That was a very dark and depressing opening. It completely took me by surprise.

I really enjoyed the premier episode and clearly this won’t just be “The Wacky Antics of Saul Goodman Show!” but appears they’re putting some real meat on the bones with the character, etc.

It was good, but I was reminded that I wasn’t taken with** Breaking Bad** in the first two episodes. The pace of the show makes the payoffs all the more rewarding.

I think people put too much emphasis on first and final episodes.

I thought the guy at the Cinnabon who Saul thought was eyeing him was the towing yard guy, from where Jesse was storing the rv.

I think it was beautiful, moody and had Tuco in it! I will have to watch today’s episode tomorrow morning, but the first half was better than I had hoped. We already have the basics of “Saul’s” arc sketched in, I think they’re providing the details nicely.

In the first episode, I just felt bad for “Saul”. Nothing whatsoever seemed to go right for him. Presumably, the worm turns at some point …

I’m not too sure about this…

Hey, for mixing I use cheap blended scotch as well, Dewar’s White Label, which is what I think Saul uses. Single malts are for drinking neat. There’s enough sugar in Drambuie that I haven’t had a Rusty Nail in decades, but I used to drink one once in a while.

Gilligan and Gould haven’t lost their touch. I’m feeling pretty confident that this is going to be a good one.

I think I read too much into that scene. I didn’t realise the concoction is a well known cocktail. I thought Saul had descended from luxurious single malt’s into cheap whisky that he was trying to add extra “oomph” to.

That was my first reaction too. I hope that gets fan-wanked away by the demands of Saul’s back story. At some point, Jimmy McGill has to become Saul Goodman, a full-fledged criminal lawyer. Hopefully, it’s his dealings with Tuco that put him on that road.

Did Saul drive past Walt’s house just before he “hit” the skateboarder? It was too quick to tell.

For what it’s worth, the Cinnabon filmed for the intro was in Westroads Mall in Omaha. They’re giving away free rolls tonight during the show.

While I’m sure it’s going to stand on it’s own, so far I’ve caught at least one Easter Egg (not counting Mike and Tuco). When he walked into the HHM office there was a smashed up stainless steel garbage can. As soon as I saw that I thought to myself ‘he’s going to kick that on the way out, he probably kicks it every time he leaves that office’. It reminded me of seeing the smashed up paper towel dispenser at the oncology office.

So, was this episode a flashback? After the Cinnabon part, he went home and watched a bunch of Better Call Saul commercials. I know he’s supposed to have remade himself a few times over the years to get out a jam here and there. I was trying to figure out if maybe, at that point, he went from Jimmy to Saul already and was out of the business for a while before moving to NM. Perhaps the show is leading up to him working at Cinnabon…

Actually, I see now that Cinnabon is after Breaking Bad. I know that BCS is supposed to bring is up to where Breaking Bad started, but I see some websites that say it takes us through the BB years as well. It’ll be interesting to see how they handle that. I assume they’ll bring back Badger and Skinny Pete and just show the antics in his law firm, but mostly leave WW out of it except talking about what they can with Mike (without spoiling anything) up until he has to leave. Again, it’ll be interesting to see how the deal with all that and not give away anything from BB since this will, no doubt, get more people to want to watch BB.

Well, it’s well known if you’re in the 1950’s. Today I’ll bet seven out of ten bartenders couldn’t make one. The thing that confused me was the squirt bottle of liquid. What was in that?

Talking about easter eggs; was Saul’s broken windshield (and that of Tuco’s acquaintance / relative) a shout out to Walt’s repeatedly broken windshield in BB?

I laughed out loud at the Tuco ending; Jimmy is about to have a Very Bad Day. The opener was a good setup for what’s to come; desperate men take desperate measures, just like with Walter, and Gilligan is a master of the story arc.

So, is this literally an omnibus thread? Will all episodes go here, or should we start a new one for each episode?

Nah, not unless he leaves it that way for a long time.

These episodes are WAY too short!

I saw “New!” bake at home Cinnabon’s. I just had to buy it and make some (they were delicious), only because what I saw Saul doing.

Without spoiling anything, I loved his negotiations in the second episode - “Best Lawyer Ever!”

Hey, they can’t complain right? He did reduce their sentences!

Lemon juice, I believe.