Better Call Saul 2.01 "Switch" 2/15/16

He’s a hero. He puts himself through the ordeal of watching this utter garbage, which he so clearly hates, so that he can provide the valuable public service of telling us how stupid the show we’re discussing and interested in is.

He was actually worse in the Breaking Bad threads - basically hist posts amounted to “How can you idiots all think this show is so smart? Not me, I watch actual quality television!” but I’m too lazy to dig through the old threads for quotes. Here are some from last season of Better Call Saul:

Before the show aired, he was showing clear trepedation. He knew he was going to hate the show, and yet heroically made himself watch anyway.

No, you can’t stop. Why would you stop watching a show you hate when you can go on threads about it and tell everyone how much you hate it? You must see it through to the end.