Better Call Saul season 6

So for more context, there are a few posts here.

I’m not going to go digging up examples, but during Breaking Bad threads @Gatopescado would make a lot of posts, regularly, that went something like “wow, this show is so dumb. Everyone keeps saying how great this show is, so everyone must be stupid and must’ve been somehow fooled by such a dumb show. I can’t believe I’m watching this garbage.” Regularly, for years. It wasn’t just bashing the show, it was saying anyone who liked it was dumb. As per my link above, once Better Call Saul started, it was clear we were in for years more of the same thing.

In that thread, Idle Thoughts, who was a moderator but not acting officially as a moderator, posted

So I can understand why people would think that the moderation in response to just his posts in the thread might be a bit much, but it makes a lot more sense when you realize he’s been doing the same thing for literally over a decade, and he can’t just criticize the show, he has to insult the people who watch the show, too. In my view, the latter is more where it clearly crosses the lines and violates the rules, but even the former is a little bizarre when you consider that he’s basically acting like watching the show is painful for him, and yet he watched 6 years of both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul. That’s why I was surprised to see him pop up with his schtick again after a few years - I thought perhaps he finally watching a show he hated so very much.

  • I’m not trying to junior mod here, I’m just trying to help explain what history there is on this one that the moderators here are aware of that makes the behavior more problematic.