Better poker face, Bush or Gore?

OK, I don’t actually want to know who has the better poker face, but it might come in handy if there were a tie in New Mexico. At least that is what I’ve been told. A friend of mine said that if Florida just happened to go to Gore, and the Wisconsin recounted and went for Bush along with Oregon, and then there was a tie for the election in New Mexico they’d have to break the tie by playing one hand of 5 stud poker. I was kind of surprised, I figure it’s just one of those old stupid laws that never got taken off the books. Of course it’s all hypothetical anyway, no, not because it’s impossible for all those states to change, lord knows that has happened enough, the poker match wouldn’t ever take place because the two sides would never be able to agree on a dealer.

While I got you here, anyone think Jim Lehrer would look kind of dignified with a visor?

Please re-post your question in The thread for far-fetched election questions.

Thank you for your cooperation.

I’m closing this thread.