Biden helps avert railway strike

I’ll call it as I see it and if you don’t like it, tough shit. Cope.

Seriously, the upper management of this country has the exact problem we see in this thread. It’s like a little kid freaking out over getting a shot that will prevent him from catching a disease that will kill him. There is a simple solution to this issue that nobody in Congress will dare to implement, and that’s to tell the fucking railroad companies they can either bite the bullet and give the workers what they need to survive or they can get nationalized until they learn how to get by without forced labor.

There are many simple solutions to the issues plaguing this country and the problem with all of them is that it requires the wholly owned corporate subsidiary we call “Congress” to stand up to their bosses and say “Enough!” They know on which side their bread is buttered and it sure as fuck isn’t the measly little 176K+ we the people pay them to work 110 DAYS A YEAR FFS. Until we force them to do so, they will NEVER do a fucking thing to help the working class in this country, y’know, the people who are SO ESSENTIAL we need to make them into slaves in order to keep the country from collapsing. Until we withhold that labor and support our brothers and sisters in their strike actions we will continue to be squeezed and marginalized and fucking die to make sure the shareholders don’t have to forego their third yacht, heaven forfend.

And yes, I personally am perfectly willing to stand by those workers and in fact I have taken steps that will allow me to function if they do decide to strike. Because I’m not a scared little kid and I understand that sometimes one needs to suck it the fuck up and take on some trouble and strife in order to make things better for everyone in the future.