Biden's choice for vice presidential candidate

Biden is not picking Abrams whose highest office is Georgia state house. I don’t believe any VP candidate in recent years was not at least a governor or senator or member of the house.

We have a president whose highest office was game show host.

Those results seem to be from a 3/24 poll…almost three weeks ago. I doubt its that high now.

I don’t think a Governor from a hard hit state is a good idea since many of the same questions you want to be able to direct at Trump can also be directed at they.

  1. Catherine Cortez Masto
  2. Amy Klobuchar
  3. Gretchen Whitmer
  4. Kamala Harris

These four plus Val Demings make up the short list according to NBC News.

It is a good short list. Just leave Stacy Abrams off it ffs. She has less experience than Sarah Palin did.

yes and he’s one of the worst presidents in a long time. You could probably pick an American at random and he would do a better job than Trump

And therefore I don’t think Abrams, a highly intelligent, well-spoken woman who rose to the highest position in the Democratic party in the Georgia state Senate, and has made fair elections a centerpiece of her life, is at all unqualified to be vice president or president.

the problem for Abrams is many people don’t agree she is qualified. There are many women in the Dem party with far more experience than her so why pick her over Harris, Klobuchar, Whitmer, etc.?


Likewise, there are “many people” who think she is.

I’m not saying he should. You noted that her level of experience disqualified her. I’m saying it doesn’t.

Do people put any other state senator on Biden’s list? There are many women state senate and state house members . Does anyone seriously think he will pick Abrams?

Kamala Harris. It will be a Biden-Harris ticket, and they will run roughshod over Chump. You heard it from me first.

I picked Harris as VP here.

You can take credit for “roughshod,” though.

Thank you for being snarky without actually saying anything. It was really insightful as well.

  1. Of course he already said he would pick a woman. It would be stupid to go back on that but he could.

  2. He had a unique VP relationship with Obama. VP picks are not always picked as a partner. You think Trump cared about his working relationship with Pence? Or McCain with Palin? He didn’t even know her. Many times the VP is picked to check off different boxes whether it’s demographics or regions. Having a good working relationship is not automatically a priority. I believe it will be for Biden which makes it less likely to be someone like Abrams who I don’t believe he really knows personally. VPs have often been placed on the sideline and used to go to funerals and other unimportant tasks. Saying that having a VP who can work directly with the president in a meaningful way on important tasks as a priority is not what most are predicting.

  3. No it’s not a repeat of #2. It’s not even in the same category. Reagan picked Bush and won. The Reagan Bush primary was brutal. You still hear the term Voodoo Economics every now and then and that was coined by Bush against Reagan. Many say he should pick Warren to bring in the left of the party. Maybe that makes some sense as a strategy but Biden will not do it.

The bottom line is that Biden had a uniquely close relationship with his president. It was closer to a partnership than most. That relationship will influence his pick for VP. That goes against what many think will be the deciding factors. Conventional wisdom says to pick along racial/demographic/regional lines to bring in votes. Those will be discussed but I believe Biden’s main priority will be someone he can work along side like he did with Obama.

Clinton/Gore, Bush/Cheney, and Obama/Biden were all close relationships. Historically these are outliers but it’s understandable if some might consider it the normal practice.

I’m not sold on Abrams but how do you figure she has less than Palin? Unless you count being mayor of a town of 5000 the same as representing a large part of Atlanta?

I’m no Palin fan, but she actually got elected as the Governor of her state.

Agreed although I wouldn’t put Clinton/Gore on quite the same level. I also believe that developed over time and was not the reason for the pick.

I’m going to be serious here although I’m afraid that some of what I say won’t sound that way:

  1. I don’t know why he had to paint himself into a corner on “Going to pick a Woman” no matter what. He needs to pick who is “Best for the job” and maybe that will be a woman. As it stands, whatever woman he picks, even if she was the best regardless of gender, will always be seen as the best woman he could get that he could deal with.

  2. So he now HAS to pick a woman. He’d better not pick a good looking one. Now for most of these that I’ve seen listed, I don’t think this is a factor. I don’t know why, but women the women that he’s counting on to vote for him because of her will HATE her if she’s good looking and it won’t matter how smart or qualified she is. Maybe it’s because the media will tend to pick on her if she’s pretty… or maybe women voters are a jealous bunch… or maybe because to voters in general, a good looking one will be assumed to be a witch, or have had everything given to them their whole life… But a good looking one won’t work.

The first point is good, and is basically what I’ve been saying. It’s a huge blunder and it will cost him the election.

I kind of get what you are saying in the second point, its just a reality that liberals say doesn’t exist. It’s like the point I was making of having the pick be a black woman.

Bottom line is he backed himself into a corner for no reason and for no benefit. This huge mistake right at the start backs up the conservative narrative that he has lost a step mentally.

Note too that some metoo crap is popping up against him now. Now that he is the nominee. What BS, we are being played.

My dream VP pick would be Tammy Duckworth. She’d make an excellent attack dog against President Bonespurs.