Biden's choice for vice presidential candidate

I have no idea why people keep pushing Harris.

Democrat people of color didn’t vote for her. Women didn’t vote for her. The California machine keeps her going in California, but she isn’t smart. She took actions that badly affected people of color disproportionally as AG, and she has done nothing as Senator.

^ I personally know numerous people of color who did not know that Kamala Harris was a person of color during the time that she was running.

I’m not big on Harris, from a political perspective, because I think she ran a pretty poor primary campaign from a management perspective (bad choices about money and hiring, for example). Because this VP choice has a significant likelihood of being the party nominee at some point in the future, I think it’s very important that they have high quality political skills.

Who is this mythical ‘Best for the job’ person, and how do you determine them? For 200+ years, people like me (white heterosexual males) were the only ones considered for office, and we ended up with some good, some bad, most meh.

Limiting the pool to women doesn’t change that much at all.

Besides, it’s Vice President of the United States. Not like they do much unless the President wants them to. Historically (well since the 12th Amendment) it’s just been someone to balance a ticket.

Vice President John Nance Garner famously called the job “not worth a bucket of warm piss”

Historically, we haven’t yet had an octogenarian president, which is presumably why Biden’s VP pick will maybe be a bigger deal than one would usually expect.

The real takeaway to Garner’s quote is that UNDER FDR - who wanted no fucking help - is was worth that.

Under someone else? Maybe you can get something done. Under an 80 year old who had an example of a shared presidency to work from? Could be worth a lot.

Right, so the “best choice for the job” may just be who Biden thinks he can work well with. Saying he’s hamstrung himself by picking a women is silly, because the role of best choice for VP is what the President determines it to be.

It will be a much bigger deal. Who he picks is very important. That doesn’t mean necessarily that his choice will get him more electoral votes.

Biden needs at a minimum to pick someone who will not cost him votes. That lets out Warren, who is a) divisive and b) old.

The Democratic VP candidate obviously will be female, and should be acceptable as a 2024 (or sooner) candidate-in-waiting. Klobuchar would “balance” the ticket in terms of representing a presumed appeal to non-coastal megalopolis voters. It wouldn’t surprise me if a relative unknown was selected, as Presidential candidates don’t seem to like sharing a ticket with VP choices who might outdo them in popularity.

I’m a bit surprised CNN left Hillary off of their list.

It’s not unheard of though. Bill Clinton picked Al Gore, who definitely was better known than Clinton when the primaries started. Reagan picked Bush, who was pretty well known. Granted both Clinton and Reagan could give a speech between than the VP candidates, but if things went south on them, their VPs could easily have ended up more popular.

As a lawyer, I’ve had things happen except with the best candidates being women.


What did he do there besides leaving a straight line just hanging there? JUST HANGING THERE, for pete’s sake! :smack:

“Won’t be forgotten by him” because he’s not senile after all.

They also skipped Eleanor Roosevelt.

Biden gets an email from Gabbard hoping for a nice, quiet, little dinner somewhere to “intimately probe into matters on a much, much deeper level than we ever have, ever before, Joe” as Biden goes doy-yoy-yoy-yoy-ying.

Eric Trump would also be an incredibly stupid suggestion.


While not my pick, would definitely bust out the popcorn over that.

Not mentioned in this thread (maybe the other VP one?):

Katie ‘No Bullshit’ Porter. Not only my pick, but I’d also have not even the slightest qualm seeing her snatch the presidency for '24 AND '28. Mark my words - her ascendancy, over the next few years, will be meteoric, effectively kicking Washington in the fucking balls. She supports all the main democrat policy points, but also has more fire and brimstone than the entire D. party combined, which is, yeah, kinda needed right now. Her “lack of experience” is an absolute and complete nothingburger - if anyone actually thinks she’d be floundering in her own incompetence in high office, think again.

  • ic


fuck these continuing time-outs royally.

This evening, Rachel Maddow asked Elizabeth Warren, who was being interviewed for another reason, if she would be Biden’s VP if he asked her, and she replied with one word.

That word was “Yes.”