Big Brother 8 (7/19 to 7/25)

Check out all the recappy goodness at Hamstertime.

Er… not right now. Later, when the hammies get their lazy asses out of bed.

I think that this season may be setting a record for on camera nudity. Not only have there been the scenes with Zach and Amber, but now there is footage of our current HOH.

I think Dick may be digging himself a hole. He can’t get a grip on his egocentricity, and he’s leaving a lot of damage in its wake. So far, he’s reamed out Nick, Zach, Danielle, and Amber. He tried to ream out Justin, but it wasn’t very effective.

Sounds like things got a little bit interesting last night in the BB house (yay, alcohol!). Those of you who thought Dick might self-destruct … well, it looks like that might not be far away. Veto ceremony is today …

Jen has the POV so it will be interesting to see who Dick puts up in her place. From what I’ve read, it will be Mike but after last night who knows. He could flip and put up Nick or something.

How about Kail’s idiotic comments about gay people? She’s doing nothing to help the image of small town fundies, is she? She’s never seen any gay people in her small town (guess again, Kail) and she can’t tell they’re gay “unless they have their full makeup on.” She never would have guessed that Dustin was gay (which makes me wonder how many gay people she cluelessly interacts with on a daily basis in her hometown) and of course, even after Dustin shows an amazing amount of patience in trying to answer her inane questions (like explaining to her that Batman and Barney are fictional characters), Kail still says in her talking head that she hasn’t changed her mind at all about queers being hellbound. God, what a stupid bitch. I know Dick is aptly named but I still hope they send Kail packing back to Green Acres this week. She might be even more of an airhead than Jen (who I think might not be as stupid as she pretends).

Kail sounded like a complete tool when talking to Dustin.

The other priceless comment from Kail on last night’s show was how, when she heard that the vote was 9-1, she knew right away she was the “1.” Um, ya think?

That was just laugh-out-loud funny! :smiley:

I wonder if she has the same problem with Kiss?

I liked Justin’s comment about how he hoped that this would be a learning and growing experience for Kail.

The funny thing about Sunday’s program was that this part and the scenes with Nick’s guy list actually happened during the first week there. It makes me wonder what else the BB producers have been fudging.

I hope Jen stays till the final two. Nothing beats her in the diary room. Commenting on the slop, “I guess I should feel bad but…” while the camera cuts to Jen checking her reflection in the spoon. Comedy gold!

When Dick made the comment about “tit for tat”, Jen’s expression showed she had no idea what the phrase meant. She was probably wondering why he was mentioning tits.

Jen was one of the few who knew where the term “Big Brother” comes from though, so she can’t be all that stupid. Other than her, I think Dick was the only one who knew. “Mrs. Roberson,” on the other hand …

Does any website have screencaps? Not that I care, I was just asking for a friend.

Tell your friend he really doesn’t want to see it. I’m still scrubbing my retina.


Just so you’re clear, this was Amber. Not Jen.

Yeah, it was NOT flattering. Check out Hamstertime and look at the “screen caps” thread. I believe someone linked to it there.

You could check out Morty’s TV, and see if they have them there. They do a pretty good job of recapping the day’s activities.

Damn. Did she have a c-section?

My respect for Dick has really plummeted this week, mostly from watching his conversations with Danielle. Jesus, I just want to strangle that son of a bitch. He just. Won’t. Fucking. Listen. He says he wants to heal the relationship, but what he really means is that he wants Danielle to admit she’s wrong and apologize. She pours her heart out to him and explains to him in excruciating detail just exactly why he sucks as a father, and it’s like she’s talking to a tree. “Well, that’s what it’s like for me too!” he declares almost no matter what she says. He just won’t take the necessary first step of humbling himself and taking the medicine that he, as the father, has earned. Danielle, meanwhile, has reached the end of her rope. She is unhappy in almost every respect, and the more he talks to her — or rather, AT her — the worse it gets.


As much as I agree with you about what a dick Dick is being, I don’t have much respect for Daniele either. She comes off as a spoiled, whiny teenager to me. I don’t feel sorry for her for the Nick thing at all. If she’s so worried about getting too close to him, she should stop hanging out with him 24/7. There are numerous other people in the house who she has barely bothered to talk to. I think she could make a little bit more effort with the other houseguests instead of lying in bed crying or lying in the hammock with Nick all day. Dick may be wrong about a lot of things, but he is right that it’s “all about her.”

Well, you have a good point there, Yellowval. :slight_smile: